Thursday, September 18, 2014

Interview questions should not ask the employer

There are many issues that should be at a job interview taboo. Questions on age, ancestry, nationality, credit, criminal, disability, marital status, sex, should be questioned military discharge or the religion of an interviewer.

Although the intention of these questions can be if you are a good candidate for the job, it is important to know that it is only relevant to your ability to do the work and information may be requested.

How to react when asked a question illegal

If you are an illegal issue of illegal interview questions or start following a trend, you always have the option to terminate the interview or refuse to answer the question (s). It can be uncomfortable to do so, but you should probably be in the company, and if you are doing the questions in the interview representatives of corporate policy, it may be better to find now.

Sometimes the interviewer is inadvertently inappropriate questions, and in this case, you can choose to be polite, avoiding the merits, but to address.

Here is more information about what can and respondents were not asked, and what to do if you asked an inappropriate question.

Questions about the age

There are cases where an employer need to determine the age of a candidate. The interviewer can one interviewee, when young working documents ask. If the job requires the applicant is a legal minimum age for the position (ie, waiter, etc.), the interviewer can ask as a condition of employment as proof of age is provided. If the company they are allowed to ask if the applicant is a minor one normal retirement age.

But a journalist not directly ask your age:

  • How old are you?
  • When did you get?
  • What is your date of birth?

When faced with these questions, you can choose not to respond or answer honestly, if vague: ". My age is not a problem for my performance in this business"

Questions about Ascendancy

There are some legal questions to ask about removing and race, which are relevant to the job. In an interview, you can ask legal: "How many languages fluently you are?" Or "Are you eligible to work in the United States?"

Questions such as "Is English your first language?", "Are you an American citizen?" "His parents were born in the United States?" "What to identify as race?" Are unlawful for a person. ask at a job interview ask these questions, you may refuse to answer, just saying. "This () problem does not affect my ability to do the work"

Questions about credit

A potential employer can not ask about your financial situation or the creditworthiness in an interview. They do more than that, if certain financial and banking positions are exceptions. In addition, employers can check the credit of the applicant, with the permission of the candidate.

Questions about criminal record

During an interview, a journalist can legally ask all those convicted of crimes related to the tasks. For example, if you are interviewing requires for a job, money or goods handling, can legally ask if you have been convicted of theft.

In an interview, you can not ask about arrests without convictions, or participating in political demonstrations. You can simply tell the interviewer: "There is nothing in my past that could affect my ability to perform the duties of this job."

Depending on your condition and the type of job for which you apply, the employer may be able to check their criminal records, as part of a background check for employment.

Questions about disability

In an interview, the interviewer about their ability to perform certain tasks ask questions like "Are you going to raise in a position to transport and weighing up to 30 pounds safely?" Or "This position requires standing for the duration of the return, you can do so easily?" Or "Are you able to sit comfortably for the duration of your shift?"

In any case, should a potential employer, their size, weight, or other details of the physical or mental limitations you may have, unless they are made directly to the job requirements. If you respond, you can say: "I am sure that I will be able to handle the requirements of this position."

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides protection for job seekers with disabilities. It is illegal to discriminate against an employer against a qualified applicant with a disability. The ADA applies to private employers with 15 or more employees, employers and state and local government.

Questions about marital status

An interviewer may ask questions if you meet in the location, hours of work, or travel for work are. He can ask questions, how long I planned to stay possible in a particular job or company. If you are planning an extended absences may be requested.

The interviewer can not ask you your marital status, if you have children, what your situation is the child care, or if you want to have children (or more children). You can not ask about salary or occupation of spouse. If you answer a question like this, an elegant way to respond is to say, they must be done in the situation, all the tasks the position entails.


In an interview face to face, it is unlikely that the interviewer does not know your gender, but it is important that gender is not taken into account in assessing their ability, made to do the work. You can make your sex during an interview for a position not ask, unless it is to work directly on their qualifications in relation to the employees in a room bathroom or locker room.

Questions about military discharge

An interviewer can related inquiries to the branch of the military in which you served and achieved your rank. It is also allowed to ask questions about training or experience in the position to apply context.

You can not have the kind of relief or their military records. Questions related to military service abroad also prohibited. If you answer these questions, we can say that there is nothing in their records, impairing its ability in the craft success.

Questions about religion

During an interview, a journalist can ask if you are able, the normal opening times of the company to work for.

The interviewer can not ask your religion or holiday you observe. It is illegal to ask your place of worship or belief. If you ask questions like this, you can answer that his faith do not interfere with your ability to work.

Employers can ask questions: Interview Questions | Interview Questions by type of work tasks | Interview Questions Behavior

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