Saturday, September 20, 2014

30 days Your Dream Job: Day 3 development of a new ...

Involved in the task for the day 2 to recognize and promote their strengths in relation to your dream job.

Task today is to recognize and improve their weaknesses to be a candidate for an ideal location.

List of abilities and needs of your ideal job

To begin, consider the needs of your ideal job. If you are unsure, look online for jobs, or talk to people who work in your industry.

Then make a list of skills, experience and needs of the most common learning your dream job (if you have completed the task for Day 1, and should have completed this list). Credentials circle this list that do not or if you want to improve.

Choose to develop a skill

You can acquire these skills and experiences in 30 days realistic. However, the selection of a particular title is missing, and strive to develop this ability.

For example, if you have knowledge in a computer program in particular, but is a prerequisite for your dream job, register in an online course free or low cost (as a massive open online courses, or MOOC) that will help you this ability to develop.

If you can not find an online course that meets your needs (or if you do not like taking classes online), look in your local education programs Public Library to see adults or a community college, whether to provide one of these institutions free or inexpensive courses in these subjects.

Add the ability of your CV

Once you begin to take the steps to develop a capability, then you can use this ability to add your resume. For example, if you learn to use Wordpress, you can enter the section "skills" of the CV, take the selection of the name of the course, and the expected completion date.

Use during job interviews

It will also be at a job interview. If a researcher concerned, for example, lack of proficiency in a foreign language, especially, you can tell that you, this ability to develop a course.

This shows not only that you needed the skills for the job, but who have an interest in the work that you are willing to take the initiative to take recommended an ability to learn. Employers appreciate your initiative.

Even better in a low point in their credentials a much stronger candidates during the hiring process you make.

Next: 30 days for your dream job Day 4

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