Saturday, September 27, 2014

Top 25 odd interview questions has spent any time through the thousands of candidates by submitting a list of the Top 25 Interview Questions Interview Questions oddball common. Here is his list:

  1. If you could throw a parade of all sizes through the Zappos office, would this type of parade?
  2. What options do you have and why?
  3. If you were a pizza delivery boy, how you can take advantage of scissors?
  4. If you sing a song on American Idol, what would it be?
  5. Are you more of a hunter or gatherer?
  6. If you were on an island and could only bring three things, what are you doing?
  7. If you were a cereal box, what would you be and why?
  8. Do you believe in Bigfoot?
  9. Why is a tennis ball is out of focus?
  10. What do you like the least of mankind?
  11. How would you Yelp to find the number of companies in the United States
  12. How honest are you?
  13. How many square feet of pizza are consumed in the United States each year?
  14. Can you ask someone how to "quack" an origami make words?
  15. When you were 80, what would you say to your children?
  16. You are a new addition to the box of crayons, what color would you be and why? - Urban Outfitters Sales Associate Interview. More Urban Outfitters Interview Questions.
  17. How does the Internet work?
  18. If there is a product for movie about your life, you play and why?
  19. What is the color of money?
  20. What was the last gift you gave someone?
  21. What is the funniest thing that has happened recently?
  22. How many snow shovels in the United States sold last year?
  23. It is Thursday; equipped with a telecommunications project in Calgary, Canada on Monday. His flight and hotel are booked; Your visa is ready. What are
  24. Tell me about the process and the benefits of using a seat belt.
  25. Have you ever been on a boat?

Look at the list of 25 interview questions crazier, including answers of the candidates had to figure out what to say.

How to answer interview questions Bizarre

If you are prompted for an interview question that seems strange, do not panic. Here is a list of tips on how to handle a question from the odd interview.

Prepare. The best way to prepare for any interview question is to practice. Practice answering common interview questions with a friend; This will help to build confidence during the interview. Ask a friend to some tough interview questions for your practice.

Stay calm. When you first asked a question that stems a deep breath. Maintain a good posture and look the interviewer in the eye. You want to appear calm and confident even if you do not feel this way.

Save time. Whether you have a hole, you should know that you are entitled to a little break before answering take. You can also buy some time with a comment like:. "This is a very interesting question, let me think for a moment"

Ask questions developed. Bizarre interview questions to assess critical thinking. Often there is no "right" answer. Explain your reasoning aloud as you answer the questions that show your thought process, even if you struggle to get to the answer. If you feel comfortable, ask questions for clarification.

Think of the work. Notice that interview questions are designed to determine whether you have the necessary skills for the position. On the question, you can in a way that a skill or quality that shows you qualify for the job react. For example, if the interviewer asks what color best represents you could say, "blue, because it is a calming color, and I'm good to remain calm under pressure."

Back to them later when your mind goes blank, you should say something like ".. This is a very interesting question that I have some time to think about and to take back to later?" Hopefully after a Soon you will be able to answer the question.

Follow interview. If you have not been able to answer the question to the end, are an answer to the question in his letter of thanks.

Read more: Top Interview Questions | Strengths and weaknesses
Related Articles: 35 toughest interview questions Interview | Questions and Answers Best

What is a contract?

Definition: An employment contract is an agreement between the employee and the employer. An employment contract generally describing the wages, benefits and employment duration.

An employment contract can also be a clause of confidentiality and non-compete included, if the employee from employment.

Also known as: work contract, work contract

Examples: Janna and your employer have a detailed job salary, benefits, seniority, including signed a confidentiality agreement.

Read more: Competition Agreement | Employment Presence | Privacy Policy

What employers say with relevant experience

If the employer mentioned equivalent experience in the profession, experience rather than specific requirements of training or experience can mean as an unpaid internship or volunteering rather than paid work. If you are considered the experience required for employment without a university degree, diploma or other certification degree.

For example, to declare a required certification or a college degree and / or experience a spreadsheet.

Examples of job ads with the experience rather than degrees

Instead of division, additional school work experience and / or business is acceptable.

  • Six (6) months experience as a unit secretary, ward clerk, medical assistant or nursing assistant will be accepted in place of the required courses.
  • BA required, MA preferred. Instead of conclusion, more than 10 years of relevant experience.
  • BA / BS degree preferred, but long career as an executive assistant in a high cabinet can compensate for this.

Instead of Experience

In addition, the experience of the other can be considered work experience sufficient for work purposes. For example, an employer can claim that it take into account leadership experience in clubs, volunteer work, internships and community service in lieu of formal work experience. Here is an example:

  • A minimum of 6 months work experience in sales, customer service or management or equivalent experience.

As talk of equivalent experience in the application

If you are applying for a job, it is important to clearly indicate in their application, cover letter and interview is the equivalent experience. Concentrate on the components of the equivalent experience related more to the task and show that you have to draw in the location the basic skills.

If you are interested in the work, you always give the benefit of doubt as to assess whether you have the appropriate experience. Leaves, so this decision to the employer after the best for your application.

Related items: the level of education and employment | How to decide when to apply for a job

Thursday, September 25, 2014

30 days Your Dream Job: Day 4 volunteers

Volunteering is a great way to introduce particular skills or experience in a particular industry.

Task today is an ability or experience, who find that will help you to develop your dream job a volunteer project in the short term (long-term project or part-time,) is.

Volunteer to gain experience

First, think of a skill or skills important for your dream job you want to develop. Next, consider the work of volunteers who help to develop this ability.

For example, if you need more experience in patient care, should be volunteering at a local hospital. If you need to gain experience in non-profit fundraising, when local organizations or volunteer programs must help financing.

Volunteers, expand their network

Volunteering is also a great way to expand your network of contacts. Consider volunteered for an organization with your industry, as an opportunity to make new contacts that will help you to make in your job search.

Find a volunteer opportunity

To a perfect volunteer project to meet your needs, you can visit to find one of these volunteers online resources.

Once you have started volunteer work, then you can add this experience to your resume.

Volunteering is a great way to give back your community, expand your network and have fun - while improving the job search. Moreover become a job is a volunteer.

Next: 30 days for your dream job Day 5

Work Description: includes Jobs in Australia and New Zealand, jobs search and career tools and volunteer opportunities.

Job Search search by keyword, location, type of position classification and position. Other options, including members of all jobs or use the Advanced Search to search by employers or recruiters.

Executive work:

Executive Search offers section (100K +) by employment type, keyword, function and location.


It is looking for volunteers, a search for volunteers and Australian organizations. Looking for volunteer opportunities by organization type, location, keyword, and / or place. Job Search Tools: has a variety of tools for the task, including a guide to CV, interview tips and advice on compensation to negotiate.

Include words and to avoid in your CV

You do not have much time to make a good (or bad) impression with your resume. A CareerBuilder survey 17% of respondents spend procurement 30 seconds or less, write on average, managers resume. 68% spend less than two minutes. Therefore, almost every word that separates help you include in your resume or beat remarks.

Avoid vague words

Hiring managers are sorry to hear it, vague   Cliché words like "team player" and "workers". These words do not exactly show you how to add value to their previous work. Here are the 15 worst conditions, when again to use in writing, by employers, by CareerBuilder in the survey, with the "best of breed" more like a dog show winning candidate:

  1. Best of Breed: 38%
  2. Rustler: 27%
  3. Out of the box: 26%
  4. Synergy: 22%
  5. Go to person: 22%
  6. Thought Leadership: 16%
  7. Added Value: 16%
  8. Results-oriented: 16%
  9. Team work: 15%
  10. Short: 14%
  11. Hard worker: 13%
  12. Strategic Thinker: 12%
  13. Dynamic: 12%
  14. Motivation: 12%
  15. Attention to Detail: 11%

Those values and action words

Instead of using vague words like the above, are words and phrases that exactly what he achieved in his previous work to explain. If possible, use the numbers to show how you have included companies in the previous value. For example, instead of simply saying that "the value of the company to save money," one can say that "deals with the public relations budget of $ 500,000, the company saves 10% through effective advertising strategies."

Hiring managers like to see action words in a resume. Action words to show specific things you have done in the past employers, and hope to do for your future employer.

Here are the 15 best words to include in your resume:

  1. Achieved: 52%
  2. Improvements: 48%
  3. Trained / mentor of 47%
  4. Maintained: 44%
  5. Created: 43%
  6. Decided: 40%
  7. Volunteers: 35%
  8. Influenced: 29%
  9. Increase / decrease by 28%
  10. Ideas: 27%
  11. Agreed 25%
  12. Release: 24%
  13. Turnover / Profit: 23%
  14. As part of the budget: 16%
  15. Wins: 13%

By focusing on the skills, achievements and results, the more the job for which you apply, you will be able to get your resume a little closer. Even a minute or so may help.

Read more: Set action verbs and power words

Related Articles:   Resume Skills Section | Soft vs hard skills | How keywords in your resume to include | list of keywords in resumes and cover letters | Expertise and Capabilities | resume capability list

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

2013 Job Search Player & # 039; s Choice Award ...



Jobs in:
Jobs is the main platform for social adjustment and mobile world. Users will receive offers of high relevance and control in the games delivered (ie social media, email, text, etc.) and how frequently the matches are delivered (ie immediate, daily, weekly, etc.). Jobs edge mobile applications for iOS and Android, uses the technology of augmented reality and GPS to offer job seekers an easy way to find local jobs. Twitter Pushes Jobs jobs by more than 10,000 job channels by geography, job type and industry giving the service an unequaled ability to instantaneously connect employers and recruiters with targeted employment candidate segmented. Jobs is part of the group and authorities CareerArc work platforms for cities in the United States including Atlanta, GA, Newark, New Jersey and Columbia, South Carolina.

Twitter: CareerBuilder

Top 5 best mobile apps for job search:

Next: Best Facebook app for job search

When writing a letter of influence

Enter a custom short thank you letter after an interview is often the perfect way to employers of their interest and qualifications for a position remember. But sometimes you need to stick with something more substantial than thanks.

As a thank you, a letter of influence is written by a job candidate to an employer for a letter from the job interview. However, a letter of influence is usually more of a thank you letter (about 300 words). In a letter of influence, admits the job candidate all doubt, the employer may have about your qualifications, and focuses on how he or she is to meet the needs of employers.

These are the recommendations for times when you might consider taking the time and trouble to write a letter to the influence instead of a thank you letter after an interview.

According to an important interview

You can not write a convincing letter effect when you, whether you are qualified to have a good understanding of what the employer looking for a candidate. You can not know enough about the position, the company and the employer, for example, after a brief telephone interview.

Wait until you have had a further meeting with the employer with whom you had the opportunity to get more detailed statistics about the problems and what the employer is looking for a candidate to make.

If you know that the reservations made by the employer

In an interview, is an important question to: "Do you have concerns, have my notes:" This is a difficult question, but the answer will help you to decide what measures better after the interview? . If the employer says that he or she has a specific theme, write a letter to the influence dispel doubts they have about their qualifications.

If you feel the interview was not very good

Even if the employer does not explicitly say what he or she has concerns about his qualifications, an interview can not only go well. Maybe you do not "click" with the interviewer.

Maybe you have a specific question answering problems. A letter of influence is a great way to get your application in the track. In the letter, convince the employer that you are the kind of candidate that he or she is looking for, even if you do not come across that way in the interview.

Of course, a thank you be intended to remind the interviewer about why you are a good candidate for a position. , Is a letter that influence, however, can a significant opportunity to express doubts about the interviewer dispel have your candidacy, and have a strong positive impression of you.

Read more: Tips for writing letters impact | influence Sample Letter | E-mail Sample Letter influence

Saturday, September 20, 2014

30 days Your Dream Job: Day 10 Doing Business ...

Business cards are not just for business professionals. In fact, the cards are a great networking tool for job seekers in all industries.

If you're a job fair, a networking event or an interview of career information, giving a touch of your business card is a great way for him to follow you and learn a little about your professional identity.

Designed for today's task and specially designed business cards for your job search.

What in a map

Make sure your contact base data: name, phone number and e-mail address. If you are currently employed, please include your title and company name.

Now that you have developed a presence on LinkedIn and Twitter, you also need your LinkedIn URL and Twitter handle. If you have a personal website focusing on business or an online portfolio, and links to these sites too.

If you want to print a duplex card, you can make your brand statement or a short list of your skills and / or experience count. Including its brand status is particularly useful if you have not just a job, but you want your contacts know about your experience.

You can also use a QR code that can be scanned by a smartphone, and has a website URL linked as your personal Web site, so that the viewer can easily get more information about you.

Keep it simple

Make sure not to include any information about your card reader is obsolete or loses interest. Make sure you give enough information about your card to show your skills. Want some blank space on the map.

Where and how to print a business card

While your own business cards printer definitely consider professional printing (unless the printer has the ability, commercial printing).

There are several ways to print business cards for a reasonable price. For example, Vistaprint has hundreds of maps on one side for less than $ 10 Smart Levels offers double-sided cards for less than $ 25 before shipping. Staples and Office Depot also print business cards for a reasonable price.

Be sure to carefully review the shipping options before buying, as delivery can be expensive.

Once you have received your letters, you are willing to connect with anyone, anytime!

Next: 30 days for your dream job Day 11

30 days Your Dream Job: Day 3 development of a new ...

Involved in the task for the day 2 to recognize and promote their strengths in relation to your dream job.

Task today is to recognize and improve their weaknesses to be a candidate for an ideal location.

List of abilities and needs of your ideal job

To begin, consider the needs of your ideal job. If you are unsure, look online for jobs, or talk to people who work in your industry.

Then make a list of skills, experience and needs of the most common learning your dream job (if you have completed the task for Day 1, and should have completed this list). Credentials circle this list that do not or if you want to improve.

Choose to develop a skill

You can acquire these skills and experiences in 30 days realistic. However, the selection of a particular title is missing, and strive to develop this ability.

For example, if you have knowledge in a computer program in particular, but is a prerequisite for your dream job, register in an online course free or low cost (as a massive open online courses, or MOOC) that will help you this ability to develop.

If you can not find an online course that meets your needs (or if you do not like taking classes online), look in your local education programs Public Library to see adults or a community college, whether to provide one of these institutions free or inexpensive courses in these subjects.

Add the ability of your CV

Once you begin to take the steps to develop a capability, then you can use this ability to add your resume. For example, if you learn to use Wordpress, you can enter the section "skills" of the CV, take the selection of the name of the course, and the expected completion date.

Use during job interviews

It will also be at a job interview. If a researcher concerned, for example, lack of proficiency in a foreign language, especially, you can tell that you, this ability to develop a course.

This shows not only that you needed the skills for the job, but who have an interest in the work that you are willing to take the initiative to take recommended an ability to learn. Employers appreciate your initiative.

Even better in a low point in their credentials a much stronger candidates during the hiring process you make.

Next: 30 days for your dream job Day 4

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Interview questions should not ask the employer

There are many issues that should be at a job interview taboo. Questions on age, ancestry, nationality, credit, criminal, disability, marital status, sex, should be questioned military discharge or the religion of an interviewer.

Although the intention of these questions can be if you are a good candidate for the job, it is important to know that it is only relevant to your ability to do the work and information may be requested.

How to react when asked a question illegal

If you are an illegal issue of illegal interview questions or start following a trend, you always have the option to terminate the interview or refuse to answer the question (s). It can be uncomfortable to do so, but you should probably be in the company, and if you are doing the questions in the interview representatives of corporate policy, it may be better to find now.

Sometimes the interviewer is inadvertently inappropriate questions, and in this case, you can choose to be polite, avoiding the merits, but to address.

Here is more information about what can and respondents were not asked, and what to do if you asked an inappropriate question.

Questions about the age

There are cases where an employer need to determine the age of a candidate. The interviewer can one interviewee, when young working documents ask. If the job requires the applicant is a legal minimum age for the position (ie, waiter, etc.), the interviewer can ask as a condition of employment as proof of age is provided. If the company they are allowed to ask if the applicant is a minor one normal retirement age.

But a journalist not directly ask your age:

  • How old are you?
  • When did you get?
  • What is your date of birth?

When faced with these questions, you can choose not to respond or answer honestly, if vague: ". My age is not a problem for my performance in this business"

Questions about Ascendancy

There are some legal questions to ask about removing and race, which are relevant to the job. In an interview, you can ask legal: "How many languages fluently you are?" Or "Are you eligible to work in the United States?"

Questions such as "Is English your first language?", "Are you an American citizen?" "His parents were born in the United States?" "What to identify as race?" Are unlawful for a person. ask at a job interview ask these questions, you may refuse to answer, just saying. "This () problem does not affect my ability to do the work"

Questions about credit

A potential employer can not ask about your financial situation or the creditworthiness in an interview. They do more than that, if certain financial and banking positions are exceptions. In addition, employers can check the credit of the applicant, with the permission of the candidate.

Questions about criminal record

During an interview, a journalist can legally ask all those convicted of crimes related to the tasks. For example, if you are interviewing requires for a job, money or goods handling, can legally ask if you have been convicted of theft.

In an interview, you can not ask about arrests without convictions, or participating in political demonstrations. You can simply tell the interviewer: "There is nothing in my past that could affect my ability to perform the duties of this job."

Depending on your condition and the type of job for which you apply, the employer may be able to check their criminal records, as part of a background check for employment.

Questions about disability

In an interview, the interviewer about their ability to perform certain tasks ask questions like "Are you going to raise in a position to transport and weighing up to 30 pounds safely?" Or "This position requires standing for the duration of the return, you can do so easily?" Or "Are you able to sit comfortably for the duration of your shift?"

In any case, should a potential employer, their size, weight, or other details of the physical or mental limitations you may have, unless they are made directly to the job requirements. If you respond, you can say: "I am sure that I will be able to handle the requirements of this position."

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides protection for job seekers with disabilities. It is illegal to discriminate against an employer against a qualified applicant with a disability. The ADA applies to private employers with 15 or more employees, employers and state and local government.

Questions about marital status

An interviewer may ask questions if you meet in the location, hours of work, or travel for work are. He can ask questions, how long I planned to stay possible in a particular job or company. If you are planning an extended absences may be requested.

The interviewer can not ask you your marital status, if you have children, what your situation is the child care, or if you want to have children (or more children). You can not ask about salary or occupation of spouse. If you answer a question like this, an elegant way to respond is to say, they must be done in the situation, all the tasks the position entails.


In an interview face to face, it is unlikely that the interviewer does not know your gender, but it is important that gender is not taken into account in assessing their ability, made to do the work. You can make your sex during an interview for a position not ask, unless it is to work directly on their qualifications in relation to the employees in a room bathroom or locker room.

Questions about military discharge

An interviewer can related inquiries to the branch of the military in which you served and achieved your rank. It is also allowed to ask questions about training or experience in the position to apply context.

You can not have the kind of relief or their military records. Questions related to military service abroad also prohibited. If you answer these questions, we can say that there is nothing in their records, impairing its ability in the craft success.

Questions about religion

During an interview, a journalist can ask if you are able, the normal opening times of the company to work for.

The interviewer can not ask your religion or holiday you observe. It is illegal to ask your place of worship or belief. If you ask questions like this, you can answer that his faith do not interfere with your ability to work.

Employers can ask questions: Interview Questions | Interview Questions by type of work tasks | Interview Questions Behavior

Personal Pages and information to and from this site are reviews and information. Although I have endeavored to correct and complete information is made to link, I can not guarantee it is correct. Please search, federal or international law advice or assistance from state government resources to ensure your legal interpretation and decisions are correct. This information does not constitute legal advice and is for information only.

Find a new job in 30 days or less

Sometimes, a job search can be overwhelming, especially if you need a job immediately. Often it feels like there is a lot of what you do to be employable in such a short time.

"30 days to your dream job" will help you relieve stress to make your job search more manageable.

The series offers 30 tips for job seekers to follow them better prepare for the job market. Take a tip per day, and you could be with your dream job within one month to the end!

Job Search 101: 30 days in your dream job
Sign up for the class email 30 days training starting the basics of job search always set.

30 days for your dream job presentation

Start: 30 Days to your dream job one day

Who, When and How LinkedIn Make ...

One of the most frequently asked questions about LinkedIn for art and science of recommendations. As an important part of their full presence on the site, you need your attention.

The Who and what recommendations

A recommendation is LinkedIn connections written proof of their professional value of one of his first studio. A first degree connection is another LinkedIn user, with an invitation to sign has been sent and accepted. These certificates shall be attached in a position in your LinkedIn profile in the experience section. Therefore, a recommendation is a testament to its effectiveness in a particular role.

A recommendation can to make their first connections are used by studies, or can be prepared by a first degree connection without being asked to be sent later more.

Why recommendations

Your LinkedIn summary should clearly explain your value proposition someone reads your profile as part of your personal brand. This part is pretty easy.

But no matter how well written, the statements that you can make yourself some skepticism. That's why reviews are so powerful. Strong support your personal brand promotion of merit. A chorus of them work only: polishes.

Who ask for recommendations

Since the objective is to strengthen its brand image, it logically follows that you recommendations that want powerful, weight and authoritarian. Here's how to receive:

  • Stay connected to a current or former managers
  • Write a demand for it, including some of you are saying proudest achievements as well as a different type no.
  • Press Submit.

As mentioned above, a recommendation for a position in your profile can be specified. Most of the work is in the second ball.

The simple truth is that writing a recommendation can be difficult and time consuming. If you have ever had to do judgment, you already know, but now there is no HR department politely remind you of what you do.

Make no mistake: What you want is a disgrace. Therefore, it makes people who receive your application simply is in their own interest. One might be tempted to say: "I am sure that what you say is true." Resist this impulse, because the truth is that while you feel to be easier to visit, all you do is harder.

What I want to do it, in the work to create the general guidelines and parameters, is. You may be familiar with the term "analysis paralysis". By providing these restrictions do not, that's exactly the feeling that you can inspire.

So in your own interest, and as a matter of courtesy only some have.

LinkedIn Recommendation Sample Application

Dear Margaret:

I hope that you have done well! It was great to meet you again - evokes the fun and crazy times in which we work, how these sleepless nights, we make these forecasts were as accurate as possible.

I try to update my LinkedIn profile, and I feel incomplete without a recommendation for you. If we work together, I really felt my worth and abilities demonstrated, especially with the revision of the provider where I shave half a million of our year as an expense of the search for alternatives and influence skills of 2009.

Due to a new direction to take professional in the hope that would like to highlight influence my skills. If you could speak to this knowledge, it would be useful for me.

If you do not feel comfortable such a statement - of course it's been a while since we worked together - definitely understand.

Anyway, have a great day!

Obviously, the performance will be your own, as a pretext to demand, but the rest is pretty simple. And, of course, the output clause omit if you already discussed a recommendation to the receiver.

If the recommendations

Of course you will want to ask their former executives or others with whom you have worked closely. However, keep in mind that the people who see your profile (first and second degree connections) can see the recommendations received, and that you have given. For this reason, I recommend to the letter unsolicited recommendations with which you have had excellent professional results.

Finally, it is difficult to conclusions about someone who only receives recommendations draw, but also gives them never, right?

At the end

Many networks are highlighting your strengths. As a networking tool, LinkedIn is a wonderful vehicle to do this. And, as noted above, the rules are a major part of it.

Read more: Getting Started on LinkedIn | attentively How SEO Help | LinkedIn profile examples | LinkedIn 101

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Teen Interview Attire

Request or part time teen summer is unprofessional work of applying for a full-time professional a little different. Clothing should be at least clean and tidy. Business casual is usually reasonable. For example, to khaki pants and a polo is clean to work well. The shoes should be moderate and avoid extremes in hair styles and colors. Also, keep the make-up and perfume to a minimum. No jeans or shorts, sleeveless blouses, or anything particularly small reduction (T-shirt or pants) or too short (skirt or blouse) - keeping everything is professionally a must.

Here more information about what to wear to a job interview for students.

What are you most about your last job for less?

To determine how your interests and experience match the job you can apply for an interviewer to ask a question like: "What do you like about look at your last job" Or something like that.

Ask them to reflect on the best aspects of his work is a way for employers, what kind of liability which suitable to understand him.

Fortunately, should not have to answer a difficult question this. For starters, you must be honest and attractive. If you get the job, your interviewer will probably still his answer when assign and prioritize tasks, it is important to be authentic and genuine in his response.

Of course, in order to express their enthusiasm convey a positive ethical and visionary work, too, you want.

Match job requirements

Although the context of his response is important is the content. Start with you. Their previous work into its components Rate each responsibility on a scale of 10, and generate an ordered list of your work environment.

Then consider the requirements of the position for which you are interviewing. Make a list of priorities for the work visible. If you are not sure, talk to contacts in the region, please visit the website of the employer for a description of the more detailed work and analysis of the major sources of employment to get an idea of what to expect employers usually candidates .

Circle. Those parts of your previous work the wish list that identifies the key skills of employers

Make a list of your key skills

Prepare a checklist that four to six of the most important aspects of his earlier work. You can use this list to prepare your response.

For example you could say something like: ". I liked writing press releases, coordinating promotional events, media and events courting plan review process to improve quality and efficiency"

Prepare for follow-up questions

Be prepared to follow-up questions like, "You said you enjoyed the process analysis and change, can you give me an example of how you did it say?" In this case you have your answer include a brief description of the situation and the measures taken and the positive results that followed.

For example, you might say: "We have an annual fundraising event for major donors, two years ago, according to measured and found the participants that people the opportunity to interact with key researchers had provided favorable rating the event and made the most important contributions .. The following year I got in donor contact prior fundraising to evaluate their main interests of our research and recruited researchers to network with them as part of the event. opinion the event last year was just cheap and donations by five per cent increased. "

More interview questions about you
Understand the interview and sample answers to questions to interview about you and your skills and abilities.

More Job interview questions and answers

Interview Questions and Answers
Typical job interview and sample answers.

Interview questions you
Questions for candidates for employment, ask the interviewer.

They won & # 039; t forget that your last job?

To get a sense of their personal and professional passions, strengths and weaknesses, researchers can try to determine, not what kind of activities to keep your interest.

Recruiters work under the assumption that you invest more energy into the parts of a job that interest you. Questions like: "What does not miss his latest work" is a mechanism for the potential employer to determine if you are invested may not be optimal for the implementation of all elements of the task?.

Compare his work in New Job

Begin by making a list of the various parts of your past or present, which took no interest for you. Try, at least some of the characteristics that have to perform in rare cases belong, and were not at the center of success.

Then consider the work that you interview and make a list of the various areas of responsibility in the description included. If the job lack of detail, then, to see in the labor section of the website of the organization whether it is a detailed description of the position.

Scanning Workstations for the title, to see what other employers who are in the job. Prioritize the list of activities involved in your target job. If you are unsure about the relative importance of the various components of the work, then ask the experts in the field to help your review.

Choose three things that are not a priority

Finally, three aspects of the past or present, who held no interest to work for you choose. Make sure that all the tasks you mentioned are not suitable, a priority for their employer, the aspects must run often or very important position.

Keep positive

In answering the question to avoid negative formulation in all other work that you share. Try a neutral approach that shows that you were able to do the job, even if they are not stimulated by the task to use.

You should be honest about the tasks you do not like, but at the same time, you should take a positive approach, explains his reasons. You would not say ". As head of retail sales, I hated the inventory counts It was one of the most boring I've ever had, and that led me to crazy things."

Instead, you have your answer in a way that you enjoyed learning more difficult, but still, the appropriate level of discipline for the type of projects demanding tasks would be boring proposes maintain lead frame, but not finished.

For example, you might say, "enjoyed as a sales manager of a clothing store, almost every aspect of my work, I think the part that is not sold no interest instead of inventoried clothes, I was mentally. Stimulating., But I was able to to focus on the details of the task and made the exact figures, because I knew that my results it would be important when it comes to projects that do not you love how the song selection for our new fall line. "

More interview questions about you
Understand the interview and sample answers to questions to interview about you and your skills and abilities.

More Job interview questions and answers

Interview Questions and Answers
Typical job interview and sample answers.

Interview questions you
Questions for candidates for employment, ask the interviewer.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Android developers need skills

An Android developer build, test and deploy mobile applications for the Android platform. They serve an Android and Java expert for the company and must be current in Android.

Due to the evolving mobile ecosystem, are many Android application developer self taught and training in computer science in general.

With strong technical capabilities an Android developer must have strong communication skills and time management skills.

Android Developer Skills

Here is a list of Android development expertise for resumes, cover letters, job applications and interviews. Skills required vary depending on the job for which you are applying, to check the list of the skills listed in the work and the kinds of skills.

A - T

  • Communicate capability requirements and technological progress and non-technical team members
  • Ability to work independently and in a team environment
  • Actively seek new programming skills
  • Expert Android platform
  • Create applications for Android based on the requirements of the interface / UX User Models
  • Comfortable with command line utilities
  • Comfortable working with Google Play Store
  • Critical thinking
  • Development process document maintenance and upgrades
  • Custom Android Application Development from start to finish
  • Estimate the project scope and cost
  • REST API Integration Experience
  • Git and Github experience
  • High competence of Java

H - M

  • Attention to detail
  • Warned Google Play functionality
  • Informs Agile development process

N - S

  • Node.js development experience
  • Strong understanding of mobile design paradigm
  • Strong analytical thinking
  • Strong oral and written communication

T - Z

  • Team player
  • Testing and debugging code
  • Thorough understanding of the development cycle
  • Extensive knowledge of data structures and algorithms
  • Up-To-Date in the language and programming requirements Android
  • Up-to-date on new techniques and methods to optimize the development process
  • Well under pressure
  • To write and Applications
Related Articles: Hard vs Soft Skills | How keywords in your resume to include | list of keywords resume and cover letter | Expertise and Capabilities | resume capability list

Developer CV Example

The following is an example of a resume for a job as a software developer.

Developer CV

First name last name
Home 555-555-5555 | Cell 555-123-4567
567 North Street
Boston, MA 02108


XYZ Polytechnic Institute, Boston, MA
Master of Science - Information Technolog
May 20XX

XYZ Polytechnic Institute, Boston, MA
Bachelor of Science - computer science
May 20XX


Hero tech, software developers
June 20XX - Present

Software Developer Technology Team Hero Net-tech features include.:

  • updated reporting engine development using and ASP.NET.
  • Press the support in ASP developed.
  • Help in refining the methodology for the development of software that is used in business.

ABC Associates, Software Engineer
October 20XX - 20XX June

. Engineering manager / project team San characteristics are:

  • Develop the latest version of San ++ Manager with C and Java.
  • Cooperation in the frame design with J2EE technologies San Manager.
  • Management of the development work carried out in our technology center in India.

Additional experience

ABC Associates, Boot Camp
June 20XX - 20XX September

ABC Associates Program Member Boot Camp - Three-month intensive management, administration and development of training programs for software engineers of choice - in advanced topics in software engineering, project management and leadership training.

Technical skills

Languages: C ++, Java, C, Net, SQL
Applications: MS Visual Studio, Eclipse
Application servers: JBoss, Tomcat
Operating Systems: Windows, Unix, Linux
Database Systems: SQL Server, MySQL, Ingres
Certifications: CCNA, Certified Unicenter Engineer

Associated Skills: CV Tech | Developer Newsletter

Examples of CV
Sample again, even chronological, functional and mini, templates, and resume writing.

Cover letter examples
Cover letter samples for a variety of career fields and employment, including an internship cover letter sample entry-level and letter covers targeted email.

Please note: The examples are illustrative. The information provided, including samples and examples, accuracy or legality is not guaranteed. Letters and other correspondence should be edited to fit your personal situation.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Better strategies for negotiating wages and ...

Evaluate the advantages and benefits

For many of us, to take into account the most important factor, a job offer is wages. For others, the workplace safety. Also high on the list of considerations are the advantages and benefits. When considering the benefits, the desire, in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere in which employees work their own hours, have the opportunity to work remotely, and where a casual dress code, they are all important. Read more »

Tips to ensure your work is a game

If you are looking for a job, it is important to consider more than the work itself.

The work is, of course, important, but it's a good idea to consider more than the salary and work tasks. No matter how good a job, if you do not you may have.

Your goal should be to have a job that goes well with who you as a person and your lifestyle to fit to get. If the work is as close to a perfect game as can be, it is with personal and professional ambitions mesh.

How do you decide if a job is a good fit

How can you tell if the work is good enough to apply for and, more importantly game, as you know, when you accept an offer of a job? While there is never a guarantee foolproof, after a reflective process, your chances increase a good decision.

Make a list of what you want in a job

An important first step is to make a list of what you want in a job. The profile of each to a desired work will be different, but here are some factors to consider when compiling the list:

Work content - your satisfaction is largely determined by how the daily tasks for you stimulate be determined. Even more lucrative or prestigious job can deteriorate quickly if you do not like the job. Ask yourself whether the tasks, the qualifications of the employees you respect enjoy what you are involved from the work enthusiastically and more in this position to succeed. Make a list of your most important skills and enjoyed around you the latest request jobs, volunteer work, activities and research projects. As you read the job description and discuss the position through the interview process to assess how the work corresponds to the list of skills you want to favor.

Content - Even what seems to be the best job can fall short if you are not satisfied with their level of remuneration. Note, want and deserve the level of income and benefits you need. Average wages domain and seek their position when the going rate is known. Discover in comparison to their colleagues after the start of the work can be underpaid demoralizing.

The Boss - Think-Manager and ideal care for the person with whom you evaluate work in a target position. Factors such as whether you would prefer you to keep one hand on the head, or work independently. Ask your potential colleagues, how is possible to describe the leadership style of superiors and by verbal and nonverbal cues, how to mix the individual personality of its own. Here is how to find the right boss.

Career opportunities - If you are interested in going in your area, then you will need to determine when and how you will be promoted to your target employer and these positions so long. Investigate means of salary increases for promotions.

Location - For many people, where the work can be of great importance. The proximity to art, culture, recreation, mountains, the sea, the family, friends and good schools can all be factors. The duration and type of a shuttle, the way a job is to affect acceptable.

Mission Organization - Make sure that you meet the goals of the company, or at least not alienated from the products and services supplied in the exercise or activity. For example, a person whose main values probably do not like to work in the promotion of the public good for a company that produces snuff, regardless of how the work should pay off.

Organizational culture - for many workers an important part of how they feel about their work is how the corporate culture mixed with their values and lifestyle. How formal or casual is the dress code? The value of innovation in the organization? Decisions relating to the movement of the top management down or is the democratic process? It is the work / life balance Employees are encouraged or required to work 60 hours a week? The organization is concerned about environmental issues? They encourage employees to perform community service?

Job security - factors such as whether an employer is an increase or decrease of the industry, where the market share increased or decreased, and the quality of the management team, the opportunities that affect that are released in the near future.

Prestige - If you are worried about how others see you, are the state of the employer and a particular work can influence your decision. For example, how would you feel about the job of a manager against Walmart Macy?

Analyze the job and the employer

Once you have selected the criteria, you have two options for determining how a job fits your specifications to suit your style of decision-making to meet. If you are an intuitive way, you can check what you know about the position and think about how you feel it suits your needs.

If you are more analytical or quantitatively oriented, you can weigh, assign this element to each factor on its criteria on a scale of 10 on the basis of importance for you. Then offer with a 10-point scale the amount of work that is each factor is.

For example, if the content of the work is important to you and 10 of a particular work provides a level of 8 in job content, and then assign a total of 80 points for this factor. If the content is not so important - October 8, for example, but as remuneration for work is at a level 6, then you pay 48 points.

Then you can add the score for each of the factors and obtain a total score. If you think the result is quite possible in the vicinity of the maximum score, and the work feels good to you, then it is probably a good choice.

In both cases, you must want to identify deal breaker or factors that would make an improper position. For example, the path might be too much, the salary is too low, the boss is not someone you want to work or not to fulfill their family obligations hours.

Do not be afraid to say no, not (please)

I once refused a job after repeated offers of more money, because the money was not enough to overcome what I see as negative if the evaluation of the work seen. I do not want to work, where the work or work environment that was created by the company. My gut tells me no, and that was worth listening to. I have received an offer of a better job, shortly after he denied that was not a good option.

If you. Any concerns, to say yes or no, if the positives outweigh the negatives, think twice before Certainly superior twice before accepting a job offer. It is much harder to get a job that is not on, that does not have to refuse.

When to say no

You do not have to wait until you offered to turn down a job. If you have covered by the application, it is acceptable to withdraw from consideration for the job. You can do the recruitment process at any time. In fact, even if you might be a better candidate, businessman happy that I have retired before I invested more time and energy in your application. Hiring managers are looking for the best candidates.

Related Articles: How to withdraw from consideration for a job | Evaluating a Job | When a Job Offer reject

Friday, September 12, 2014

Skills by Colegio Mayor (examples and listed ...

Are you a student or college graduate wondering what to include in your letters again and cover?

Even if you do a lot of training or work, you have the skills that are important to understand, when applying for a job.

Regardless of the level position you seek, it is important to the hiring manager, how and why to show for the position for which you are qualified to apply.

The more adapted to the needs of the work, the better your chances are selected for an interview. Examples of skills and competencies of General de CV lists, cover letters, job applications and interviews.

Abilities of large quoted

  • The main art skills
  • Biology major skills
  • Corporate Business Skills
  • The main scientific computing skills
  • The core competencies of the economy
  • Key Competencies Education
  • Main Skills English
  • Foreign Language / Literature major skills
  • Graphic Design major skills
  • History major skills
  • Mathematical skills
  • Key nursing skills
  • Government / Political Science Important Skills
  • Psychology major skills
  • Skills Sociology

General skills

  • Top 7 skills employers for candidates in the search
  • Find the 10 skills that employers for graduates

Skills by Type

  • Ability to analyze
  • Behavioral skills
  • Computer Skills
  • Communication skills
  • Dealing with customers
  • Financial Education
  • General skills
  • Hard Skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Leadership Skills
  • Organizational
  • Personal skills
  • Social Media Skills
  • Soft Skills
  • Team Spirit
  • Technical skills
  • Transferable skills
  • Writing skills

Other skills: skills CVs lists

Read more: How to answer interview questions Skills | What an article about resume skills include | Tips for writing an article on skills CV | key skills employers are looking for applicants in

Related Articles: Hard vs Soft Skills | How keywords in your resume to include | list of keywords for resumes and | Tags List of resume, cover letter and job applications

Thursday, September 11, 2014

30 days for Dream Day Job 2: Create a ...

Task today is to recognize your strengths and to ensure that employers recognize is.

A short catchy phrase (15 words or less), which highlights what makes you an ideal candidate - a statement today the brand is created.

Your statement should be on how to add value to an enterprise focus for their skills, experience and / or services.

How to write a branding statement

To start writing your testimony brands, make a list of your strengths in relation to the job for which you are applying. Add the list of his most important achievements in their previous positions, in particular the services that value to the organization.

A list of personal property, which helped him to obtain these services - these are character traits, skills, etc. Look at the needs of your target computer (you can do this by doing jobs online), then convert anything on your list the services and the overlap with job requirements assets.

His final statement of marks must weave together one or two adjectives that describe your strengths, the title of your desired job, and one or two of their services.

Branding Statement Example

An example of a statement of the brand: "The development of the retail assistant experienced in coordinating the efforts of fundraising and grant application development success."

How to use your tax-branding in the job search

You can make your brand in a number of ways in your job search. You can on your resume, are locked in your data and your work experience.

Write a competence profile

You can also resume a profile (usually a short paragraph) and include that in your resume instead.

Your profile CV also be useful in the job interview: it is a great answer to the frequently asked question, seen a statement of the brand also helps you to understand your strengths, will be to answer the important questions common interview "Tell me about you. "" What are your strengths? "

Next: 30 days for your dream job Day 3

Tips for Answering Machine Would you rather be liked or ...

The researchers will use questions to determine what kind of employee it would be if you set.

Questions such as "Would you rather be loved or respected?" You can download the interviewer an idea of what motivates you, how you interact with colleagues and customers.

While there is no correct answer to this question, and their approach may vary depending on the context of your work, here are some general guidelines. Answer this kind of interview questions

How to respond

In most job roles, greater importance should be aware of, as it more together on competition and productivity. However, an important factor to consider is the nature of your relationship with your colleagues.

If the value of respect

For example, if you are interviewing for a management or leadership role, you should definitely emphasize that followed would be a priority for you, so that your employees are thrilled point.

It is important to add that, by the reception of his subordinates is necessary for a supervisory role, and give respect. Make sure that you understand the term mutual nature of professional and personal relationships.

When you focus on liked

In roles where teamwork and collegiality are important, you can register your interest, in order to create a harmonious working group, to be loved.

If you are interviewing for a job, the frequent contact with customers, which is a pleasant way to create a report or to maintain a positive relationship exists, then you should take advantage that they would like TO REPORT necessary component of their work.

You also need information solutions and products to offer, if compliance is also important to inspire confidence in your customers.

Relying on both

Most researchers accept a differentiated response in which you mention the value of the two parties respected and loved. However, you should be ready to discuss the relative importance of one or the other when pressed.

The most important aspect of your response is the reason for your answers and how to connect to deliver to meet their claims certain aspects of their role effectively.

For example you could say: "At work, I would be well respected My success as a sales representative for a large part of my ability, the needs and concerns to anticipate my clients and present my products as a form was around these needs met. and solve these problems. soon as compliance is made, I find that my customers keep coming back to me. course I want my clients as well for additional services, and I the little things like bring a favorite or bring them to a game Golf, so that they. well the value of our personal relationship with food "

Be prepared to follow

As with most interview questions, you should be ready for a follow-up question asking for clarification or an example of how you have shown in the past what he says. In the above example, you may be asked, "Can you give me an example obtained, such as respect for a customer in the past?" as a follow-up question. In response, one could say:

"One of my new client was used concerned about the amount of packaging material in the production. Brought they have helped bought in a factory where our team is in use and showed the effectiveness of their use of resources. Their prices in the payment plan so the new machine He and they are able, a justification, which was approved by his boss. Council, asked me many times since then, and continued to buy our products was to write. "

More interview questions about you
Understand the interview and sample answers to the interview that you and your skills and abilities questions.

More Job interview questions and answers

Interview Questions and Answers
Typical job interview and sample answers.

Interview questions you
Questions for candidates for employment, ask the interviewer.

Listed skills of college major (with examples)

Are you a student or college graduate wondering what to include in your letters again and cover?

Even if you do a lot of training or work, you have the skills that are important to understand, when applying for a job.

Regardless of the level position you seek, it is important to the hiring manager, how and why to show for the position for which you are qualified to apply.

The more adapted to the needs of the work, the better your chances are selected for an interview. Examples of skills and competencies of General de CV lists, cover letters, job applications and interviews.

Abilities of large quoted

  • The main art skills
  • Biology major skills
  • Corporate Business Skills
  • The main scientific computing skills
  • The core competencies of the economy
  • Key Competencies Education
  • Main Skills English
  • Foreign Language / Literature major skills
  • Graphic Design major skills
  • History major skills
  • Mathematical skills
  • Key nursing skills
  • Government / Political Science Important Skills
  • Psychology major skills
  • Skills Sociology

General skills

  • Top 7 skills employers for candidates in the search
  • Find the 10 skills that employers for graduates

Skills by Type

  • Ability to analyze
  • Behavioral skills
  • Computer Skills
  • Communication skills
  • Dealing with customers
  • Financial Education
  • General skills
  • Hard Skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Leadership Skills
  • Organizational
  • Personal skills
  • Social Media Skills
  • Soft Skills
  • Team Spirit
  • Technical skills
  • Transferable skills
  • Writing skills

Other skills: skills CVs lists

Read more: How to answer interview questions Skills | What an article about resume skills include | Tips for writing an article on skills CV | key skills employers are looking for applicants in

Related Articles: Hard vs Soft Skills | How keywords in your resume to include | list of keywords for resumes and | Tags List of resume, cover letter and job applications

Monday, September 8, 2014

As noted by your dream company

When employers receive countless cover letters and resumes every day, you may be wondering what you can do to make yourself stand out from the crowd. Of course, with a well-crafted cover letter and resume impeccable assistance. But hundreds of other applicants present equally compelling material.

So how do you go beyond the norm to draw attention to a company, the work you want? Eugenia Sawa, a manager from Microsoft staff, gave an overview of how the candidates really stand out. This is what he had to say:

  • Imagine you in person and online, in a friendly and professional manner. "For a paper, give me a dream candidate for a universal, well balanced and informative field professionally."
    Read more: How to make a professional brand

  • Let's deal with your online presence and attitude reflect resume. "Every wise content that needs to each channel in terms of experience, achievements and personality match (Cheeky / no) and to adapt to the way you show up in person . "
    Read more: Make a good first impression

  • Social Media to create presentations in conferences. "We want to meet the candidates at conferences, so we know that you are attending the conferences we compare our various social media channels. Reach-we know how? Help us a good idea of who you are and what you are looking for us to arrange a meeting with a member of our team. "
    Read more: How to use social media in your job search

  • Maintain an active presence on Linkedin. "LinkedIn is an official request. Spend some time here."
    Read more: How to use LinkedIn

  • Let your experience beyond Linkedin. "Above all, we are experts in the field of Search: found the speech of the technical problems at work and with tips to solve the quorums and Twitter are important points, ask the questions and answer in specific areas of expertise" ..
    Read more: Create Your Personal Brand

  • Keep your great achievements. "In the beginning of the new year, start your shopping list your accomplishments at work. Helps you update your resume, if you need simple and comfortable for typing a lot of time writing annual performance."
    Read more: Update your resume - Top 10 Tips resume writing

  • Establishing career goals - and they reach .. "Every New Year, you should, you might think about your game plan for the year that you upgrade to Linked have my Profile or taking this class that had the intention, or requested to work? Ask a friend for you to know, and to pull your friend each quarter to account. responsibility which we hold to be true, what we decided to do earlier this year. "

More tips from Microsoft: Tips for writing a paper on skills CV

Microsoft Careers: Website | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Blog

Sample letter of resignation to regret ...

Here is a letter of resignation sample show despite and thank the employer.

Resignation Letter Example - sorry,

Your name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip
Your phone
Your E-mail


City, State and Zip Code

Dear Mr / Ms. Last name:

I regret to inform you that I give my position as a communications assistant company ABC. My last day of work will be with 15 August

Thanks for the support and the opportunities it has me over the years that you provided. I enjoyed my stay in the company.

If I be of assistance during this transition, please let me know. I would be happy to help, but can not.

With best regards,

Your Signature (paper document)

His name

To send an e-mail message

If you are an E-mail your letter, here is how you send your message, including the one to which belong, test, check that you have all the information you need, and send a test message.

Article resignation and advice

Please note: This example is for illustrative purposes only. The information provided, including samples and examples, accuracy or legality is not guaranteed. Letters and other correspondence should be edited to fit your personal situation.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

List of foreign language and literature ...

If you are a student or graduate, it is important that the skills they have acquired during their studies, internships and jobs during the school year in their cover letters, resumes and job applications to highlight.

Here is a list of skills employers who hire foreign language and literature major. Abilities vary depending on the job, so also through these lists of skills for a variety of different professions dependent.

Foreign language and literature major skills

A - E

  • Access to historical, political and cultural documents in the original language
  • Adjustment to life abroad
  • Adaptation to new environments
  • Analyze the aesthetic qualities of poetry, drama, novel and film
  • Appreciate cultural differences
  • Arabic
  • Attention to detail
  • Cooperation
  • And compare the structure of the various languages
  • Talk about everyday topics
  • Event coordination
  • Critical thinking
  • Critical writing
  • Drilling vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure
  • Share opinions civilly
  • Explain cultural phenomenon
  • Expression of feelings and emotions

F - M

  • Flexibility
  • French
  • German
  • Identify the cultural values
  • Interact effectively with other people
  • Interpretation of foreign literature
  • Language interpretation
  • Italiano
  • Japanese
  • Leader of the group discussion
  • Listen carefully
  • Positioning resources
  • Mandarin
  • Memorizing vocabulary
  • Multitasking

N - R

  • Notes
  • Watch
  • Organizational
  • Perseverance
  • Power point
  • Presentation
  • Troubleshooting
  • Public Speaking
  • Read
  • Risk-taking
  • Russia

S - Z

  • Share perspective on literature
  • Spanish
  • Speaking of language
  • Stress Management
  • Learning skills
  • Summary of key ideas
  • Meeting the Challenges
  • Day Test
  • Native culture unusual
  • Time management
  • Translate Languages
  • Understanding the customs of other cultures
  • Exactly with the language
  • Oral Communication
  • Essay writing in a foreign language
  • Written with correct grammar

More skill lists
Here is a list of skills that employers are looking for, including soft skills, technical skills and experience to look for a variety of different jobs.

Read more: How to answer interview questions Skills | What in an article about the capabilities of your resume, include | list of skills that employers are looking for a job

Related Articles: Hard vs Soft Skills | How keywords in your resume to include | list of keywords resume and cover letter | Expertise and Capabilities | resume capability list

What can we do better than the other for us ...

Like most of us prefer to set our own unique value, compared with others, it can be difficult when the employer ask us details about what makes us better than the other candidates.

For example, an employer may be something like, ask, "What can you do better than the other candidate for us" Or: "Why do we have to put another human being"

Be careful when replying

This type of question can also be a trap, in order to determine if you are an exaggerated view of themselves or have a tendency to be too critical of his colleagues. The best approach is usually, this survey as an opportunity to see their strength for the employer to express, without which means that you are better than everyone around you.

Start with a Disclaimer

It may make sense with a warning that they begin not aware of the strengths of the other candidates, and sure, there are people who are set so amazingly attractive position. Then you may be the same to say that you have many advantages that make a strong contribution should be used will have.

You might say. "Although I am not familiar with the others you interview, I'm sure there are many talented people who ask such a position, however, because my background and unique experiences, I think I would be a good candidate for his position."

Follow-up with your strengths

Then you can follow up with a detailed description of their own strengths. But it is not enough to respond to the general public. You should be prepared to experience 6-8 refer strengths in terms of skills, past fields of knowledge and personal qualities that will help you excel at work.

Remember that your presentation more persuasive if you add value for jobs, internships, school projects or volunteering to share specific examples of how they apply their strengths. Describe situations or challenges, actions, and he took the results that you created by pressing each asset.

Job description and aspects of the situation seems to be for the employer a high priority. Try to be as to share many of your assets as possible for you to perform the essential functions of the job.

More interview questions about you
Understand the interview and sample answers to the interview that you and your skills and abilities questions.

More Job interview questions and answers

Interview Questions and Answers
Typical job interview and sample answers.

Interview questions you
Questions for candidates for employment, ask the interviewer.

30 days your dream job

Sometimes the job search can be overwhelming, especially if you need a job immediately. Often it feels like there is a lot of what you do to be employable in such a short time.

"30 days to your dream job" will help you relieve stress by using the search manageable task.

The series offers 30 tips for job seekers to follow them better prepare for the job market. Take a tip per day, and you could be with your dream job within one month to the end!

Job Search 101: 30 days in your dream job
Sign up for the class email 30 days training starting the basics of job search always set.

30 days for your dream job presentation

Start: 30 Days to your dream job one day

Thursday, September 4, 2014

School interview attire

Although secondary interviews do not usually require, formal wear, it is always important for young people who are well dressed. A button-down short sleeve, like this, with a checkered pattern of taste, is a good choice for small children, because it is an aspect that seems puesto- well together, but still relaxed and casual. Paired with khakis is the perfect choice for a first interview.

Keyword Assistant LinkedIn: lessons from the research ...


One of the most important concepts of website design is search engine optimization (SEO). At the lowest level is the practice to keywords that are particularly important for search engines to find a particular web page and you correctly connected with the search terms to make sure.

As the word "optimization" means there are many web designers can do to improve search results from a specific page.

Website owners and operators are investing heavily in practice. After all, there are literally millions of websites out there, all vying for your attention. The simple truth is that many are content. In fact, there are a lot of good content out there that is not visible.

SEO is the way to a site that stands out from the crowd.

Not like a dilemma faced in your research you sound? I think there are clear lessons that every job seeker can adopt this practice.

Quality Content

All the attention in the world will not help if your LinkedIn profile is low. Finally, the package can make you take a product in a store, but if after review, it is not what you want, put it on the shelf, right?

Want us to call a profile of up to 100%, which led last year to the stars-profile. The realization of an all-star LinkedIn profile consists of several factors: a profile photo, your education (undergraduate and graduate, if applicable), current position, several previous positions, and at least three recommendations. Another factor of more than 50 compounds.

Now that you have something that the interest of all who have to keep in your profile, you must ...

Right keywords

By keywords, I do. Mine relevant words or phrases that you feel should be more strongly linked to their skills or experience Let me say this:

When I look for a recruiter candidate for an application, there are keywords that you use in the execution of my research. When I was looking for an experienced project manager, will perhaps use I "Project Manager" or "PM" or "PMP". Is the search for a web developer to these terms "CSS", "PHP", "HTML" (of course) and probably "Javascript" and "jQuery" to be.

Think of your new target paper. What skills or keywords is important, not only to do the work, but exceptionally well?

Now for the summary. Are all of these concepts present CV profile? Do you also appear (recently!) In your professional experience? Because these are all factors that a recruiter or purchase should be considered in order to see a solid game.

If you do not have a current position - which excludes that a profile of stars have to consider finding a volunteer organization, where you will use these skills and add to their profile. This can be a great way to network, can provide a context in which you acquire the existing practice or new skills, and that other advantages: This is a win / win for everyone!


For several years Robert Wagner Hawking was time shares, while Dennis Hopper promoting financial products. Two years ago, the popular artist P! Nk became a cover girl. In all three cases, the perception that all exert a measure of public confidence in the vote of confidence to do. In short, they have no credibility.

And that is something you need every job seeker.

Someone your profile on LinkedIn is no way of knowing whether what they read is made exaggerated or even open. Unfortunately, many organizations have been deceived by him in the past and are now on guard. You can overcome this problem by a strong presence on LinkedIn. This means a number of things, but above all means recommendations.

Write a history of employment, the construction of a vast network ... these measures are actually quite simple. But always former executives of writing LinkedIn recommendations for you: you can not fake. And if you are looking for supervisors / management, a recommendation from a previous report said enough in his leadership.

At the end

There are lessons that the job search that can be derived from virtually any source to apply. The authors know that everything is grist to the mill, and he is back to work. These SEO lessons related directly to job search and optimize your use of LinkedIn.

Related article: List of Skills | List of keywords

Read more: Getting Started on LinkedIn | LinkedIn profile examples | LinkedIn 101

Event Sample Letter

Here is a sample cover letter for a job as an event planner / events. See below for a sample CV for organizers.

Event Sample Letter


City, State and Zip Code

Dear Mr / Ms. Last name

Please accept this enthusiastic demand for Meetings and Events Manager XYZ Event Planning, Inc. My success as an event planner and my organization and attention to detail, work ethic makes me an excellent candidate for the position.

You say you are looking for a candidate with experience in planning corporate events. As coordinator of the Main Event, I have over a hundred corporate events planning and execution of international meetings to fundraising events on a large scale. I supervised all aspects of event planning for companies, including the search for suitable for supplying the events through print and online venues to promote.

He also says that you are looking for a qualified financial and contract management candidates. As coordinator of the event to event management solutions, I supervised a variety of events, both large and intimate. I have identified the source of additional income and various ways to reduce costs for customers with large and small budgets. I am for my ability to manage, and to announce to the budgets of my clients to ensure their satisfaction.

I am confident that my experience and knowledge to make me an asset to XYZ Events, Inc. I have enclosed my resume and I'm going to see this week if we arrange a time to talk. Thank you for your time and consideration.

With best regards,

Your name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip
Your phone
Your E-mail

Related: CV Event Planner | Event Planner Interview Questions

Send an e-mail newsletter
If your letter by e-mail, enter your name and title in the subject line of the email:

Subject: Meetings & Events Planner position - name

Your contact information in your email signature and shows no contact information for the employer. Start your e-mail with the greeting. An example of a cover letter by e-mail format.

More sample letters
Sample cover letters and templates for a variety of career fields and employment, including entry-level, targeted and contain e-mail letter coverage of different jobs.

Please note: This example is for illustrative purposes only. The information provided, including samples and examples, accuracy or legality is not guaranteed. Letters and other correspondence should be edited to fit your personal situation.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Best answer questions from the interview ...

Question: Do I get paid for working on a holiday?

Answer: One of the questions I often ask myself, what if people paid more for working on a holiday. If you are regulated by a collective agreement, working in a government job, or working for an employer who offers to work overtime on a holiday, you may be entitled to holiday pay.

Some employers offer vacation days from work or for a holiday pay, but there are no laws that require companies to compensate for time not worked or pay extra (over their normal hourly rate) to work on a day festive, if you a contract that have defined the paid leave.

Especially if you work for an employer in the hospitality industry, commonly referred to as vacation days and regular employees receiving full payment will be working time worked.

More Job FAQ

NOTE: The information in this article is that in the United States and the resources of each state government, from private parties and certain non-government resources in the United States. I think the government information in government websites is correct, although I recommend that you seek help if the legal interpretation of the law is a problem. Most government websites offer opportunities for you to ask questions and additional personal support. To seek legal help, but if your question is answered incorrectly, if you are not sure, or if your situation is unusual. Personal Pages and information to and from this site are reviews and information. Although I have endeavored to correct and complete information is made to link, I can not guarantee it is correct. Please search, federal or international law advice or assistance from state government resources to ensure your legal interpretation and decisions are correct. This information is for guidance only.

Find the 10 skills that employers for graduates

What skills are employers looking for when recruiting the class of 2014? Employers are responsible for team players who can solve problems, organize their work and seek to communicate effectively, after 2014 Employment Outlook Survey respondents NACE. What mattered less hiring managers have the "ability to create and / or edit written reports" and "ability to sell or influence others."

Here is the list in order of importance:

  • Ability to work in a team structure
  • The ability to make decisions and solve problems
  • Ability to plan, organize and prioritize work
  • Verbal ability to communicate with people inside and outside the organization
  • Ability to obtain and process information
  • Ability to analyze quantitative data
  • Technical knowledge to employment-related
  • Control Software
  • Edit ability to create and / or written reports
  • Ability to sell or influence others

Many of these skills are similar to the main skills sought by employers when hiring employees for most jobs. As a team player, have communication skills and social skills, to analyze the situation, data and what to do with, are very important for human resource managers.

Here are some key skills that employers are looking for job seekers.

Read more: Job Opportunities: The Candidate Skills / Qualities Employers want (NACE)

Related Articles: How to answer interview questions Skills | What an article about resume skills include | list of skills

Copyright Getty Images Chad Baker,

If you pay for work on a holiday?

Question: If I get paid for working on a holiday?

Employees often wonder if they have to work on holidays, they pay extra for working on a holiday, and if you do not work, how many hours do you?

Answer: When it comes to questions about the fact that she comes to work on holidays and holiday pay, there is no answer that covers all employees. Some staff will have your holiday from work, other work, and some of those who work, have to work on the holiday, and other non-paid extra.

Working on a public holiday

Whether you need to work on a holiday, depends who you work for, if you fall from a collective agreement and company policy regarding holidays.

If you work for the federal government, is ten annual paid holidays such as New Year's Day, the anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr., Washington's birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day (July 4), day labor, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Many private employers follow the same calendar days leave and holiday pay or vacation to work on a holiday.

In addition, the companies are not obligated to give a working vacation. Many companies, especially in the retail and hospitality are open as usual on vacation and business. Workers have to work holidays and usually their regular rate of pay are paid.

Holiday pay

Holiday pay is compensation for the holiday, such as Thanksgiving Day or any time not worked (such as holidays), if a company can close or employee is authorized to be absent from work. If a company offers paid leave, the employee is to be paid, even if they work on the holiday.

Employers do not have extra (time and a half or two times, for example) to pay to work on a public holiday, unless you have a contract, after which earn award for work on a holiday.

Wages and salaries are regulated by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and need not be in payment for time not worked, such as vacations or holidays. These benefits are usually an agreement between an employer and an employee or employee representative ie a trade union or other collective bargaining.

Holiday Calendar

As the holiday calendar are observed in the workplace, when a holiday falls on a weekend, the holiday is usually observed on Monday if the holiday falls on a Sunday and usually observed on Friday if the holiday falls on a Saturday.

Working hours rental

Companies often publish a list of observed at the beginning of each year days. Ask. Your supervisor or the Human Resources Department for a festive programming approaches for the current year and future years

Questions about the schedule or payment

If you have to ask questions about your work schedule or holiday, or a room away from work, ask your supervisor or the Human Resources Department as soon as possible. The more your message employer flexibility, try to give your wishes.

Related articles and tips

Holiday pay
Holiday pay is compensation for the holiday, such as July 4th or any other time does not work when a company close or employee is authorized to be absent from work.

Federal List of day
Full list of holidays by the Federal Government.

Information about holidays, including paid holidays, vacation days from work, vacation plans and vacation plans.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Top tips for job hunting

Do you have a job hunting difficult times? If you need to get your job search team?

These tips job search professionals and executives from the major construction experts will help your job search focus, get contacts in companies learn, effective supervision, a new job promotion, and use the tip of looking for work strategies to ensure their successful job search.

Top tips for job hunting

After lunch inquiries
When I was a child, my father was often should you wait until after lunch, when you are interviewing for a job, someone told me a favor or some other method to ask continued to get someone attention. But to me, he warned, do all these things before the food was very bad strategy. Reason: When people are hungry, you are bound to be impatient and irritable; After they are fed, they are likely to contain and generous. Sleepless in marketing themselves.

Again, it seems that my father knew best done. A recent scientific study shows the parole requests that control over all other factors, such as after a meal, before the case is submitted to the judges were more likely to request make available to the judges. ("The science of justice: I think it's time for lunch break ..." in The Economist, 16/04/2011, "the judgments from, in part, when the last judge had an appetizer" was the accompanying propaganda .)
Mark Kolakowski, Guide to Financial Careers

Do not think that you do not negotiate compensation
It is a mistake to believe that you can negotiate compensation if you receive a job offer, despite the overall weak labor market. Companies may choose not to fill a position due to the business climate, but if you choose to fill a position, they want to pay usually the best candidates and are willing to, what they need to do their take and feel great need of the bid. This means that when an organization decides that you are the person who want to hire them, in a relatively strong position to negotiate compensation to you. Companies rarely they are in their initial offer because they want to maintain to negotiate with the candidates the flexibility to. The deals are almost never retire because you are looking for more to ask as long as the right way (ie, no ultimatums and threats.) To negotiate Even if you are unemployed compensation if you know how. Simply put, if you do not ask, it is very likely leaving money on the table
Lee E. Miller, co-author of a handbook for women business success

Set goals
It is important that job seekers get a proactive and positive attitude Job search by setting specific targets each week and allow enough time for research and application. Job search can be a stressful experience, especially as a full-time job, and if the responses of employers to flood immediately the natural tendency is discouraged and often to be slow or even stop, set to the job search process.
Penny Loretto, Partner, Skidmore College and Internships Guide Manager.

Follow up
One area that I think is lacking in the job search for many people followed. Most people send the application with your CV, or hope that someone answers, but successful you have to be to be proactive. It should control at least three attempts, calls, and e-mail. Should be much more than to make sure that you get the CV. The voicemail message may be a short elevator speech, and follow-up letter could summarize all the ways in which they are qualified. Associated with this is a great tool for monitoring well. Any job-search requires its own research and monitoring strategy.
Lempicke Todd, President, optimal CV

Receive the latest job offers
If job seekers used as one of the three best places to look for work, find jobs that are not listed on the websites of the Company and that are currently open. Much of the frustration of applicants for jobs that are no longer open, because most job boards need to review old messages "occupied" shall apply.
GL Hoffman, CEO, and

The new currency in a successful career and job search is peer review. We are all accustomed with TripAdvisor or Yelp to select hotels and restaurants through peer feedback. In the setting we will do the same. Social Media is designed to improve the collection of comments and after. LinkedIn, BranchOut and to see references to a member of the network. In the future it will work. We will be "found" through social networks and Google. To improve your profile with a validation of those with whom you work is an essential step in the process of personal branding - for the landing dream job decisive.
William Arruda is known under the name of Guru personal brand, the author of the bestseller's Career Distinction Zanja and the next book. Cart. Think! You can to learn more about him.

Try it for seasonal work
For those who just want a taste of adventure or to a different approach to job search, we recommend you the opportunity to give seasonal work. One of the main advantages of seasonal employment is in a position to fully and try a new area, location or job expectations, are without the full recognition of the work throughout the year with a similar range. Anyone can do a job for three to six months and see if they want. This type of work can also be a good candidate for the recently burned to fill the void, while looking for full-time work. In our experience, seasonal jobs can play an important role in the discovery process of job / career. Knowing that many unemployed and are re-evaluating your skills, this kind of work is right for jobseekers can be back in a new and exciting way exactly.
The team Coolworks

Companies that are fit to be identified
Not even a job search campaign without identifying previously and to find companies that will be a good mutual fit, so you think your brand and marketing communications career around what to build with them in resonance. If you do not know who your target audience and try to cover too many bases, not to get your resume and other career documents home with someone.
Meg Guiseppi, C-level Executive Branding and Job Search Coach, Chairman and CEO of brand career

Need help employers
Companies spend a lot of effort trying to find the right candidate, but in this economy it easier for job seekers to remember that it may be in fact, many employers are looking for them. This is the key for job seekers to remain informed on employers to find candidates and develop a presence there. HP, in fact, a search engine for Open CV, is an excellent example of how companies are looking for employees in 2012, because the recovery effect is for all businesses open, your resume can be many other employers found would be possible with a traditional Database panel continued work. To protect your privacy, the employer can not show their personal contact information before the approval.
Paul Forster, CEO and Co-founder,

Do you know what you're looking for
Make a list of the types of employers and the opportunities that would be a great match for your skills and interests. With specific company and job title in mind, if possible. If you know what kind of place you want to work, but you do not know the name of each company, use the list to start you wrote them down and ask others if they an employer that s' fits this description know. If you have your contacts a clear idea of the jobs and companies you need, you are more likely to identify relevant opportunities with you and share. It is for you to paint this picture for you.
Shahrzad Arastéh, holistic consultant and career coach, career counseling,

Know what is best for
This is the advice I give to people of all ages and levels: "Do you know what you do best you know shine" Will you recognize about your top three or four traits, talents and abilities and clear as Excel documents ... and what you've done with them. Doing this talented North your job search, and enable them to lead their answers to interviews and your way to a new position.
Vickie Elmer, a professional writer / City of freelance work for the Washington Post Capital Business, Fortune Magazine and others, and

Networking is the key to success
The key to a successful job search is networking. With more than half of the procurement of reference, is essential to use for job-seekers, their social and professional networks to get an edge in a job. Use social sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to connect with industry leaders and recruiters, and showcase your unique skills and experience. These online tools are excellent resources for the connection with the setting-makers, or you can put in touch with them. In, users who based themselves discover on Facebook or LinkedIn jobs of their friends, interests, fees and current or former site Business can - making it easier than ever for job seekers, to customize your experience job search and network with friends and colleagues.
Gautam Godhwani, Co-founder and CEO,

Share and Share Alike
Yes, you have the right to be paid for their expertise have earned, but freely share their knowledge and experiences with others through networking groups you will benefit as much as it is only those that are requesting help. Networking is a two way street, and the gift is as important as receiving and lead to new opportunities with new contacts, very grateful.
Margaret Riley Dikel, author,

Why not to make the sale?
Much more than 50 candidates who interview for jobs for which they believe they uniquely qualified, a reminder can not get to. The accusation of discrimination that comes to mind because of the age. However, the employer has seen your resume and knew their approximate age and decided to interview. There was something in the background that they think you're made of the right person for the job and wanted to know more. If you could make the sale, check out his interview on the site. Have you spoken with the results? The age of onset was appropriate? How was your energy level? Have you "explain" or tell your experience? Employers are looking for your stories, if their recent successes to say, in relation to their needs. Solution? Evaluate the job description for each position, type an appropriate example of a result. To keep you ahead of the competition and on the line for retirement.
Rita Ashley, Career Coach,

Moving to a New Job
People hate when I say this, but if you're a superstar, in this economy, they are almost wasting time. If you have or want, two tactics:

  1. Always an address or to borrow by mail from a friend in the destination city. A resume and cover letter are the contact points and not statements of residence. But you must be ready and willing to talk, and move on their own.
  2. . In his letters, choose a week in the future and let companies know: "I'm in the city at that time, and I'm about to move in search of there" Then, on the basis of the answers, you can decide whether they the journey to make - because if no one says "Yes", then nobody cares that one anyway.
Jay Martin, President, JobSerf

Research Society
Before the interview, research the company in accordance with all available means. Spend at least two hours to prepare for a job interview, reading about the online business. Comb through the website of the Company (the special section "About us") and search for articles in Google News to read more about what happened at work. If you know the names of the people who are about to hit, you see what I wrote professional or other public information on their social networking profiles. You must be willing to tell your potential employer why you like to work specifically for the company and for them. Bonus: If you connect with a former employee of the company on LinkedIn and ask them questions, they can also help you prepare.
Avram Piltch, editorial director for Laptop Magazine Online

Chase Corporation (almost)
We see the behavior of thresholds is that, before an opening to a workplace hiring manager will be assigned to try to see if they may be interested friends or colleagues. We see that if this is a status update on LinkedIn or Twitter or Facebook or Blog, or even an industry event, hiring managers will first try these free and trusted code. Before money for the publication of a work or time to sift through hundreds of resumes, these social (online and offline) networks, the terms of the contract commissioning more than half of all investments. We build tools for job seekers to hear conversations, but it is still important that they get to the event, these people follow on Twitter, connect with them on LinkedIn, and actually almost "stalk" Companies that would like to work. Read their blogs, press releases, tweets, Facebook pages, LinkedIn updates, because in the current market jobs are filled before the general public even knows that there openings.
William Fischer, co-founder of