Sunday, August 31, 2014

Top tips for job hunting

Do you have a job hunting difficult times? If you need to get your job search team?

These tips job search professionals and executives from the major construction experts will help your job search focus, get contacts in companies learn, effective supervision, a new job promotion, and use the tip of looking for work strategies to ensure their successful job search.

Top tips for job hunting

After lunch inquiries
When I was a child, my father was often should you wait until after lunch, when you are interviewing for a job, someone told me a favor or some other method to ask continued to get someone attention. But to me, he warned, do all these things before the food was very bad strategy. Reason: When people are hungry, you are bound to be impatient and irritable; After they are fed, they are likely to contain and generous. Sleepless in marketing themselves.

Again, it seems that my father knew best done. A recent scientific study shows the parole requests that control over all other factors, such as after a meal, before the case is submitted to the judges were more likely to request make available to the judges. ("The science of justice: I think it's time for lunch break ..." in The Economist, 16/04/2011, "the judgments from, in part, when the last judge had an appetizer" was the accompanying propaganda .)
Mark Kolakowski, Guide to Financial Careers

Do not think that you do not negotiate compensation
It is a mistake to believe that you can negotiate compensation if you receive a job offer, despite the overall weak labor market. Companies may choose not to fill a position due to the business climate, but if you choose to fill a position, they want to pay usually the best candidates and are willing to, what they need to do their take and feel great need of the bid. This means that when an organization decides that you are the person who want to hire them, in a relatively strong position to negotiate compensation to you. Companies rarely they are in their initial offer because they want to maintain to negotiate with the candidates the flexibility to. The deals are almost never retire because you are looking for more to ask as long as the right way (ie, no ultimatums and threats.) To negotiate Even if you are unemployed compensation if you know how. Simply put, if you do not ask, it is very likely leaving money on the table
Lee E. Miller, co-author of a handbook for women business success

Set goals
It is important that job seekers get a proactive and positive attitude Job search by setting specific targets each week and allow enough time for research and application. Job search can be a stressful experience, especially as a full-time job, and if the responses of employers to flood immediately the natural tendency is discouraged and often to be slow or even stop, set to the job search process.
Penny Loretto, Partner, Skidmore College and Internships Guide Manager.

Follow up
One area that I think is lacking in the job search for many people followed. Most people send the application with your CV, or hope that someone answers, but successful you have to be to be proactive. It should control at least three attempts, calls, and e-mail. Should be much more than to make sure that you get the CV. The voicemail message may be a short elevator speech, and follow-up letter could summarize all the ways in which they are qualified. Associated with this is a great tool for monitoring well. Any job-search requires its own research and monitoring strategy.
Lempicke Todd, President, optimal CV

Receive the latest job offers
If job seekers used as one of the three best places to look for work, find jobs that are not listed on the websites of the Company and that are currently open. Much of the frustration of applicants for jobs that are no longer open, because most job boards need to review old messages "occupied" shall apply.
GL Hoffman, CEO, and

The new currency in a successful career and job search is peer review. We are all accustomed with TripAdvisor or Yelp to select hotels and restaurants through peer feedback. In the setting we will do the same. Social Media is designed to improve the collection of comments and after. LinkedIn, BranchOut and to see references to a member of the network. In the future it will work. We will be "found" through social networks and Google. To improve your profile with a validation of those with whom you work is an essential step in the process of personal branding - for the landing dream job decisive.
William Arruda is known under the name of Guru personal brand, the author of the bestseller's Career Distinction Zanja and the next book. Cart. Think! You can to learn more about him.

Try it for seasonal work
For those who just want a taste of adventure or to a different approach to job search, we recommend you the opportunity to give seasonal work. One of the main advantages of seasonal employment is in a position to fully and try a new area, location or job expectations, are without the full recognition of the work throughout the year with a similar range. Anyone can do a job for three to six months and see if they want. This type of work can also be a good candidate for the recently burned to fill the void, while looking for full-time work. In our experience, seasonal jobs can play an important role in the discovery process of job / career. Knowing that many unemployed and are re-evaluating your skills, this kind of work is right for jobseekers can be back in a new and exciting way exactly.
The team Coolworks

Companies that are fit to be identified
Not even a job search campaign without identifying previously and to find companies that will be a good mutual fit, so you think your brand and marketing communications career around what to build with them in resonance. If you do not know who your target audience and try to cover too many bases, not to get your resume and other career documents home with someone.
Meg Guiseppi, C-level Executive Branding and Job Search Coach, Chairman and CEO of brand career

Need help employers
Companies spend a lot of effort trying to find the right candidate, but in this economy it easier for job seekers to remember that it may be in fact, many employers are looking for them. This is the key for job seekers to remain informed on employers to find candidates and develop a presence there. HP, in fact, a search engine for Open CV, is an excellent example of how companies are looking for employees in 2012, because the recovery effect is for all businesses open, your resume can be many other employers found would be possible with a traditional Database panel continued work. To protect your privacy, the employer can not show their personal contact information before the approval.
Paul Forster, CEO and Co-founder,

Do you know what you're looking for
Make a list of the types of employers and the opportunities that would be a great match for your skills and interests. With specific company and job title in mind, if possible. If you know what kind of place you want to work, but you do not know the name of each company, use the list to start you wrote them down and ask others if they an employer that s' fits this description know. If you have your contacts a clear idea of the jobs and companies you need, you are more likely to identify relevant opportunities with you and share. It is for you to paint this picture for you.
Shahrzad Arastéh, holistic consultant and career coach, career counseling,

Know what is best for
This is the advice I give to people of all ages and levels: "Do you know what you do best you know shine" Will you recognize about your top three or four traits, talents and abilities and clear as Excel documents ... and what you've done with them. Doing this talented North your job search, and enable them to lead their answers to interviews and your way to a new position.
Vickie Elmer, a professional writer / City of freelance work for the Washington Post Capital Business, Fortune Magazine and others, and

Networking is the key to success
The key to a successful job search is networking. With more than half of the procurement of reference, is essential to use for job-seekers, their social and professional networks to get an edge in a job. Use social sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to connect with industry leaders and recruiters, and showcase your unique skills and experience. These online tools are excellent resources for the connection with the setting-makers, or you can put in touch with them. In, users who based themselves discover on Facebook or LinkedIn jobs of their friends, interests, fees and current or former site Business can - making it easier than ever for job seekers, to customize your experience job search and network with friends and colleagues.
Gautam Godhwani, Co-founder and CEO,

Share and Share Alike
Yes, you have the right to be paid for their expertise have earned, but freely share their knowledge and experiences with others through networking groups you will benefit as much as it is only those that are requesting help. Networking is a two way street, and the gift is as important as receiving and lead to new opportunities with new contacts, very grateful.
Margaret Riley Dikel, author,

Why not to make the sale?
Much more than 50 candidates who interview for jobs for which they believe they uniquely qualified, a reminder can not get to. The accusation of discrimination that comes to mind because of the age. However, the employer has seen your resume and knew their approximate age and decided to interview. There was something in the background that they think you're made of the right person for the job and wanted to know more. If you could make the sale, check out his interview on the site. Have you spoken with the results? The age of onset was appropriate? How was your energy level? Have you "explain" or tell your experience? Employers are looking for your stories, if their recent successes to say, in relation to their needs. Solution? Evaluate the job description for each position, type an appropriate example of a result. To keep you ahead of the competition and on the line for retirement.
Rita Ashley, Career Coach,

Moving to a New Job
People hate when I say this, but if you're a superstar, in this economy, they are almost wasting time. If you have or want, two tactics:

  1. Always an address or to borrow by mail from a friend in the destination city. A resume and cover letter are the contact points and not statements of residence. But you must be ready and willing to talk, and move on their own.
  2. . In his letters, choose a week in the future and let companies know: "I'm in the city at that time, and I'm about to move in search of there" Then, on the basis of the answers, you can decide whether they the journey to make - because if no one says "Yes", then nobody cares that one anyway.
Jay Martin, President, JobSerf

Research Society
Before the interview, research the company in accordance with all available means. Spend at least two hours to prepare for a job interview, reading about the online business. Comb through the website of the Company (the special section "About us") and search for articles in Google News to read more about what happened at work. If you know the names of the people who are about to hit, you see what I wrote professional or other public information on their social networking profiles. You must be willing to tell your potential employer why you like to work specifically for the company and for them. Bonus: If you connect with a former employee of the company on LinkedIn and ask them questions, they can also help you prepare.
Avram Piltch, editorial director for Laptop Magazine Online

Chase Corporation (almost)
We see the behavior of thresholds is that, before an opening to a workplace hiring manager will be assigned to try to see if they may be interested friends or colleagues. We see that if this is a status update on LinkedIn or Twitter or Facebook or Blog, or even an industry event, hiring managers will first try these free and trusted code. Before money for the publication of a work or time to sift through hundreds of resumes, these social (online and offline) networks, the terms of the contract commissioning more than half of all investments. We build tools for job seekers to hear conversations, but it is still important that they get to the event, these people follow on Twitter, connect with them on LinkedIn, and actually almost "stalk" Companies that would like to work. Read their blogs, press releases, tweets, Facebook pages, LinkedIn updates, because in the current market jobs are filled before the general public even knows that there openings.
William Fischer, co-founder of

Prepare looking for a job

Sometimes it happens, due to the choice. Sometimes you do not have a choice. In both cases it is important to be prepared to change jobs - because you never know when it happen. For me, what happened to me in both directions. I was and at the end of a working day put the work and I had to give my company car the next morning. It was a difficult question!

I have also resigned, and has managed to stay on good terms with my previous employer. In these cases, it was because I always offered help to find a lot of advice, and if the formation of a substitute, and offered available for questions in the future.

Pay attention to the essential

Whether you are received on the resignation or just a pink slip, it is important to prepare to leave and prepare to carry out a job search. Take care of the basics first check and suitability for the preservation of health and life insurance benefits, accrued vacation pay, unused leave and other payments authorized final illness. Please note that there is a delay between the time when your current insurance coverage ends and begins a new policy. When you are finished, ask your employer about eligibility for COBRA coverage further and file goes for unemployment immediately. You may be able, on the phone or can submit online.

If your work situation is unstable and not know if you still have a job tomorrow, get ready to start, or even now to get the job search. Remember, you are not obliged to accept a new position, if you receive an offer. Also, it never hurts to see what is available and you never know, you might just get an offer you can not refuse!

How to prepare for job search:

Resumes and Cover Letters
It is important to have a well written resume and compelling cover letter. Just get help to get interviews. A cover letter is often the earliest written contact with a potential employer, a critical first impression. Use our super resume and cover letter, to ensure that your job search correspondence is of the highest quality.

Plan ahead and provide a list of references and letters of recommendation, to be ready when a potential employer requires. The coordinates of his colleagues, suppliers, customers, etc. So you will for the purpose of future networks.

Contact Information
Use the contact information is not for your communications job search to work. So, if access is cut at work, you will still be accessible.

  • Telephone - have a home phone or cell phone with voice-mail, so that potential employers can reach
  • Email - Use a personal e-mail account, not your own work

Reason for leaving
If you stop, or you have decided to quit smoking, with a response for the researchers who want to know why he is prepared resigned.

Eager to get caught?
Considered confidential jobs online. There are sites that you apply anonymously, protect your identity safe employers and recruiters can.

Leave nothing behind ...

  • Clean your computer - personal files and e-mail delete
  • Bring your stuff

Finally, if you stop, always keep in top condition and may not burn bridges. The company in advance that you are going to let them know why (as diplomatically as possible) and thank them for the opportunity to work there.

Career Change Resources

Friday, August 29, 2014

10 Strategies for Job Search

Search for a job is to apply not only to companies and are invited in the hope for a job interview. It's more complicated than that, especially in a competitive job market. Jobseekers more successfully use a variety of strategies for job search help, to stand out from the crowd.

Here are the job search strategies you can use to speed up your job search, you will find links that will help you get your resume noticed, to find companies that offered an interview and a job.

Top 15 Dream Jobs for Kids

Some children want doctors to help people. There are a variety of types of physicians, general practitioners pediatricians anesthetists.

Although doctors can make a very good salary, the way to the doctor is long: Doctors do not require only four years of undergraduate study, but four years of medical school, and 3-8 years of residence in the Special Health.

Some children dream of becoming nurses. Nurses need a degree in nursing, but the study takes less time than a degree from the School of Medicine. Nurses make an average of $ 67,930.

Doctor Salary: $ 190.060

Share Your Story: What I want to do when I grow | My Dream Job

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Answering the dreaded salary ...

No matter how the interview goes, there is always something you cut. What are you looking for in terms of salary? This simple question, but the answer is complex.

You aim high, but when you leave the salary range? On the other hand, if your target income is too low, you leave the room employer to go even lower, and you could end up unhappy. Worse, you do not want to decide before you even know what the job, how it works, when asked to put a salary demand open.

While there is no correct answer, it is a way of thinking and get what you want. Here is how.

Did you answer the question of wages?

As difficult as it may be, to answer the question, it's hard not to - especially in the demand for electronic work. Try to ask the question and you can not go to the next page, and the field has a number. It was then that the exact number is important.

If you are in an interview, you can try the problem with a general answer on how to solve. "My salary expectations are in line with my experience and qualifications" or "Is this the right job for me, I am sure that we reach an agreement on wages." However, the recruiter or interviewer is likely to come in search a number, so be prepared with a target salary or at least a range in mind.

This means preparing for an interview by telephone. If you get caught off guard in the eye, without something, you could lowball or seems confused.

What are your salary determined?

Depending on how much you want the job, their individual needs and circumstances, you can find a number of bid with confidence. If there is, you have a sideways movement within your industry probably a sense of average wages. Unless the last company was known in the industry for their low wages, take your current salary is in line with market expectations.

What you would consider a fair increase your current employer? This could be a good place to start low-end. Or ratchet your current level of 15% to 20%, so you support for your industry and experience change incentives in the reasonable range level and still. Remember to only offer you a number that you take and be able to live with it.

If you move to a position of greater responsibility or in another sector support for research on the position and the value in the professional market.

Search Salary

There are many websites that offer an average salary of estimates. Websites such as, and all offer comparable data, but if you have time to search more than one source, you can get a better view of the track.

You can also have a variety of job titles, when the average change clearly visible. The problem with some paid sites is that job titles can vary from company to company. If possible, rather than a notion of content, based on work tasks, you can get a more accurate number. Also remember to refine the search to your area. Wages for a job in Austin, Texas, may differ from those in New York, for example.

If the research seems off, your intuition. Remember, you do not want to deal with a tenant with unreasonable expectations. But you also want a salary you can live with. If it is not there, the work is not good for you.

Provided more interview questions
Here are the most common interview questions you'll be asked, and examples for answers and advice on how to respond.

More Job interview questions and answers

Interview Questions and Answers
Typical job interview and sample answers.

Interview questions you
Questions for candidates for employment, ask the interviewer.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Rates of retirement

Here's a list of inspirational quotes about retirement.

Remove from work but not from life.
MK Soni

Nothing must not be removed; something to retire.
Harry Emerson Fosdick

This is a new way of life, full of experiences come to us. Some call it "retirement". I call it luck.
Betty Sullivan

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by ones you do not. So take the cast off. Sailing from the port.
Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explorer. Dreams. Discover.
Mark Twain

Rest is not idleness, and sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float in the sky to lie, it's much a waste of time.
J. Lubbock

Retirement without the love of letters is a bachelor.

There are some who, long before they start to stop working their retirement.
Robert Half

Retirement was a discovery of beauty for me. I never had the time before the beauty of my grandkids, my wife, the tree outside my own door, and the beauty of time itself remarkable.
Hartman Jule

Life begins at retirement.

Retirement means no pressure, no stress, no pain ... unless you play golf.
Gene Perret

A retired husband is often a full time job for a woman.
They Harris

First, forget names; then forget faces; then you forget to zip your fly; and then unzip forget your fly.
Rickey management

I love to wake up and not go to work. So I have three or four times a day.
Gene Perret

Money is no better in retirement but the hours are!

The best time to start thinking about your retirement is before the boss.

The problem with retirement is you never have a day off.
Abe Lemons

I have attended many seminars in my retirement. Called Naps.
Merri Brownworth

I'm retired - goodbye tension, hello pension!

Read more: Inspirational Quotes Employment | Training | New Jobs Courses | Retirement Quotes | More Quotes from work

What happens when an interviewer clicks

If you are applying for a job, you can unexpectedly find themselves in a weak position. Not all researchers have the same ethical standards that unfortunately, and can make in an interview occur.

However, you are on the legal protection of wrongdoing in an interview with the title. The same measures that apply to cover the employee for job seekers.

Interview questions should not ask the employer

Not only are there some problems that should not be asked in an interview, but it is inappropriate for an interviewer violate your personal space, or to claim that their job prospects affected by its response to a request for privacy.

How inappropriate to treat questions

The best response to inappropriate questions depends on the type and severity of injuries to the interviewer. If you will be asked about your personal life, marital status, or sexual orientation, you have several options:

  • You can politely about the relevance of the topic to ask their employability and give your preference to remain relevant questions. You could say: "I do not know how that relates to my qualifications for the position, I would feel better if we talk about aspects of my application that are directly relevant to the job.".
  • To steer the conversation in another direction, you can follow up with a question about some of the work. For example you could add: "I saw that you might be looking for a candidate with experience in business to business marketing you say more about what the B2B partnerships that are already in force here.?"
  • If the question seems trivial, you can answer the question and then just change the subject. For example, when asked: "Do you have a few that travel with you?" You can answer with a simple yes or no, then bring the conversation to other topics.
  • If the interviewer continues to inappropriate questions, then you may need to clarify your point strongly that the issue of off-base and the answer refuse.
  • As a last resort, use your experience to the Director of Human Resources or a department head in a superior position to report the interviewer. At this point you can also request the opportunity to interview someone else, if you are still interested in the job.

How to deal with inappropriate behavior

Can more worrying cases in which a researcher makes physical contact other than a handshake, asked to spend time alone outside the context of an interview, or the actions of a personal telephone number or address with an invitation to join. In this type of situation, you have several methods of diversion:

  • First, you should an attempt to deflect any physical contact move or show their disapproval through their body language to make.
  • You can politely decline invitations and explain that you want to keep the dialog professionally.
  • Finally, if the interviewer is, simply show your complaints, exit interview, and report the incident immediately to someone in authority to the employer. You can apply for a conversation with another agent if you want to continue with the employer. If the organization does not act, then you are sure that the employer is not for you.

When the work on the line

The serious injury to a hearing includes a statement or a strong implication that his condition was for job seekers, the fact that an application be influenced satisfied with the privacy. In this case, you should immediately cease the interview and inform the employer of the violation.

If the interviewer your potential boss, you should think twice procedure. If the interviewer is a representative and staff behavior may or may not that be a systemic problem.

Finally, when not given the opportunity to get a job with the employer, then you will want to consult appeal attorney about your ability, on the basis of sexual harassment a work.

Related Articles: How to handle questions harassment in the workplace | examples of discrimination at work | examples of sexual harassment

Personal Pages and information to and from this site are reviews and information. Although I have endeavored to correct and complete information is made to link, I can not guarantee it is correct. Please search, federal or international law advice or assistance from state government resources to ensure your legal interpretation and decisions are correct. This information does not constitute legal advice and is for information only.

Best Jobs for shy people

I to be of a person's work the other day, who has worked with a career coach, wanted her to move out of your comfort zone and to work in a career field in which you have a man belongs village. The coach has to encourage him to seek employment in jobs where I work with people when they simply do not want.

She knew that the implementation sociable not to have to work and decided to pass. He is now working with another trainer who helps them find a job, a good fit. She is shy and does not want to be in the middle - or on the stage at all.

The 10 jobs for introverts

For those of us who are anxious - and we are happy to stay - there are jobs that are a better choice than others. Career Cast has compiled a list of top jobs for people who are shy. Here are the Top 10:

  • Animal Care and Service Occupations
  • Archivist
  • Astronomer
  • Court Reporter
  • Film / Video Editor
  • Secretary of the Treasury
  • Earth sciences
  • Repair of industrial machinery
  • Medical records technicians
  • Social Media Manager

Job Hunting Tips for Introverts

Even if you are not interested in one of these special jobs, here are some tips for finding a job without changing your personality:

Red at their own pace - crosslinking is an essential aspect in the job search, but if you're an introvert, which can be intimidating are. Looking for ways that you can make for the people in small groups or one-on-one networking. Set up one-on-one briefing or at networking events or seminars small talk.

Use the internet - happiness in today's world, most job search can be done online. Build your professional network online, with social networking sites like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Networking sites are a great place to connect with people and share their professional knowledge, without the intimidation of a face-to-face group meetings.

Pay attention to the culture of the company - When applying for jobs, make sure to thoroughly research the corporate culture of the organization. Read the "About us" on the website of each company's website, and talk to the employees or former employees of the atmosphere of the company. Is there a focus on projects and teamwork team? Is the office open floor plan? It applies only to jobs that offer the typical office environment that is comfortable.

Focus on the Positive - an introverted personality can be an advantage in many jobs. In his letters and interviews, focus on aspects of your personality that you make a good candidate. For example, many introverts are great listeners and strong critical thinkers. Think about how you can use your personality to your advantage in your job search.

Prepare - if you hit particularly concerned about an interview or someone else, make sure you prepare well in advance. Create a list of potential interview questions and practice your answers. The more you practice, the better you will feel confident in the interview.

Read more: Career Cast best jobs for introverts | Top 10 lists jobs | Top Jobs
Related Articles: Career Tests | a career change 10 Steps to Success | Free Personality Test

Monday, August 25, 2014

Tips for finding jobs for job seekers 10

Losing a job is one of the most stressful life curve throw. It is difficult to find a job if you do not have one, no matter how good you are.

As difficult as the situation may be good, there are steps you can take to increase your chances set in the future. Here are some strategies to help you move your job search in the right direction.

Top 10 Tips for job search for the unemployed

Recognize that job loss often leads to some of the same feelings, the importance of the loss of a loved one or the end of a relationship. Work through the shock and anger of the loss of a job with trusted confidant or a professional counselor may be less likely that these feelings appear during network meetings or interviews.

Employers prefer the positive and optimistic candidates tend candidate animosity against former employer or supervisor shy to express to try to get all negative emotions in check before the start of the interview process.

Get your story straight and practice as positive as possible. If you are on business, as defined, for example, a budget crisis or withdrawal of a product or service, be prepared to defend this information without anger or hostility. Be brief in your explanation and go your enthusiasm for the job you are applying to teach then. Here is to explain how a dismissal during a job interview. Ready to discuss why and were unemployed.

If you go for performance reasons to leave, be prepared to to solve problems or improve skills to explain the steps you have taken. Make sure that you are in an area that suits your strengths. The search for new areas to gather their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. It will be easier to explain performance problems if you rely on the skills that are not needed for the new job. Here's how to ask why you were fired answer.

Secure positive recommendations from colleagues, managers, customers and subordinates in order to counteract negative perceptions that employers have on your work history. Place these recommendations proactively in the process by sharing with employers and networking contacts. Recommendations for your LinkedIn profile or a website that passes the credentials and link on your resume recruiters a chance to take a look at how to take others perceive us.

Take inventory of your services and make sure that you talk to a certain way during meetings and networking interviews. Examine each job or an appointment in your resume and brainstorming about your successes, no matter how small they might have been. Be prepared to describe the situation or challenge, the actions taken and the positive results that come.

Check your CV and make sure you have used the descriptions of the skills you used, and the associated services. If you are applying for jobs in different areas, take the time to design different versions of your resume to highlight the basic skills for each field.

Schneider each cover letter to the job at hand. Applications, the quality of the work is more important than quantity. Analyze each task and make a list of the most important employer preferences or requirements. For each request, prepare a set with respect to any asset of you that is connected to this qualification. A brief allusion to the task or function, where the force is applied, and the positive results that you were responsible for. Here is how you fit your skills to work.

Job search schedule time each day when you are at their maximum energy. For most people, 4 or 5 hours a day is the maximum that can be spent in finding productive employment. Set aside time to exercise, volunteer work, a temporary job or an internship. These activities help fight depression or stress, help you feel productive, and maybe even a useful way to network and build relationships that could be useful in the search for a new position helpful.

The mobilization of the network and reach systematic contacts for help. Make a list of network options. Think of the members of the trade association, neighbors, family friends, former college, former colleagues and church members. Be prepared to your contacts to tell you need. This can be on job search and job leads references to people in your area that contain tips. Each time the information to plan meetings in the workplace, as it is easier for your contacts to introduce you to their colleagues.

Follow-up interviews better than the competition. E-mail or letter as soon as possible after the interview reflects. Mention your interest in the position was reinforced by the interview. A short presentation on how the job fits your skills and experience. If you forgot to mention an important information during the interview, you can include it in the message, too.

You can also show your motivation, a bit of research on a topic that was raised during the interview, if necessary. If you've met with several researchers, sending a slightly different communication monitoring of each individual to share something interesting or respond to concerns expressed may also notice an employer to impress.

Read more: How to stay positive while looking for tips jobs | job interview job seekers

Related Articles: Tips for finding employment for older workers | Top 10 Job Search Tips

How do your claim unemployment

Workers who have lost their jobs, may be able to file an unemployment claim online or by phone. Ensure claim before filing your unemployment, you need to complete your loan application for unemployment benefits comprehensive.

Get the information your unemployment claim Ready

Prior to the presentation, please contact your local state unemployment site for the best way to determine to open a claim. There is information to be able to how to open a new application instructions and information you need to apply.

In addition, the website where the application have instructions for weekly unemployment benefits and what benefits, apply for an extended unemployment benefits, if any is.

Requirements based on the state where you live, but here is an example of the information that is made available to open an unemployment claim.

Information required to open an unemployment claim

  • Your full name and address, including zip code and telephone number
  • Social Security Number
  • Driver's license number (if you have one)
  • Veteran / Military separation date
  • Mother's maiden name or other information security question (for security / AP)
  • Name, address, phone number of your last employer
  • The federal identification number of the employer (W2, where your form or pay stub)
  • Creation date and end date of employment for each employer
  • How much you earned
  • Previous employer information, depending on how long you worked for your last employer
  • In general, the last two years is required for employer information

Unemployment claim questions

You can ask if you want to withhold taxes from your unemployment check. You can also ask if you were on vacation or holiday.

Moreover, to know why he wants the job, the employment office. The selection criteria are: unemployment, to be unemployed, since no fault of their own. If you stop, or if there are questions about its completion, the application process can be complicated. However, if your application is rejected, there is an appeal process.

When the application process is done online, you will be prompted candidates, create a user name and a password to login to your account to apply for unemployment benefits.

How to apply for unemployment benefits

Once you have your original unemployment claim submitted, you will be able to go to your account each week and apply for benefits, usually online or by phone.

Applicants can also check the status of your application to see if the checks were credited by mail or to an account, and to check the amount of unemployment benefits remaining in your account.

How to apply for unemployment benefits

In times of high unemployment, the extended unemployment benefits that are additional weeks of unemployment money. Information on qualifying for the long-term unemployed and how to file a complaint or pursue a claim for state unemployment website available.

Where apply for unemployment

If you live in another state and in a work, or if you have moved, in general, you need your claim unemployment in the state where you worked file. If you are in another state where you live or if you worked in multiple states, the state labor office, where you can now live information as you worked your claim with other states file.

If your application is denied unemployment

If you have filed unemployment benefits and your claim is denied or contested by your employer, you have the right to appeal the rejection of his application for unemployment benefits. Here's how to make an appeal unemployment claim.

Do you have questions or need more information?
Contact your local state unemployment. You can download the information you need to find online, or you will be able to get a phone number for help.

Other Resources:

Unemployment benefit, unemployment benefit, unemployment offices, extended unemployment benefits and how to file for unemployment.

Appealing unemployment
If your unemployment claim is denied by the Department of State unemployment or contested by your employer, you have the right to appeal the denial of unemployment claim. Here's how to appeal unemployment.

DISCLAIMER: The private web sites and information within and from this site is the opinion and information. Although I have endeavored to correct and complete information is made to link, I can not guarantee it is correct. Please search, federal or international law advice or assistance from state government resources to ensure your legal interpretation and decisions are correct. This information does not constitute legal advice and is for information only.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

E-mail shows congratulate someone for ...

Here is an example of a message to a person who has been promoted is sent congratulatory letter.

Browse greeting card templates more.

Congratulations Email Message for the promotion

Subject: Congratulations

Dear Evan,

Congratulations on your promotion to VP of Pumpkin Sparkasse. You deserve a great job for many years, and the recognition and responsibility for the situation.

Best wishes for continued success in his career.

Best regards,

Monty Black

More Cards
Here are a number of examples, congratulations moved using congratulations for a promotion, a new job, and say other employment-related services.

More Letter Samples
This letter samples, including cover letters, interview thank you letters, follow-up letters, letters of acceptance and rejection of work, termination letter, thank you letters, business letters and larger sample letter of employment will help you to get an interview, follow-up and process , all correspondence related to the job that you need to write.

Please note: This example is for illustrative purposes only. The information provided, including samples and examples, accuracy or legality is not guaranteed. Letters and other correspondence should be edited to fit your personal situation.

What is before hiring?

What is pre-employment investigation? This is the kind of control by the employer, either before offering a candidate or a job during the recruitment process done. The types of businesses include projections judicial reviews, credit check, verification of work history, education verification and verification of travel data.

In addition, the employer prior to employment medical examinations, including issues of health and the physical examination, perform, including psychological testing and assessment of the physical or mental health.

Here is more to be absorbed through the pre-employment and what employers are looking for in the screening of applicants.

Related Articles: Employment Background Checks | Employment Credit Checks

Search for a new job in school

The weather cools which means that the summer starts coming to an end. This is good news for job seekers looking for work. For those who are in university towns, entrepreneurs show their work as students return to school.

For those who are outside of the University, many summer employees are directed to school and have to leave their seasonal work, which can mean multiple job offers.

Snagajob, the leaderboard for hours jobseekers and employers, employment rose not much to talk about and hear with entrepreneurs Time Snagajob hired members on what works and what. They took some tips from experts that you hire.

Here are some things to consider when looking for new work in the school Kim Costa, Job Search Coach Snagajob.

Search for a new job in school

Be proactive. Chances are you are a company employee to lose themselves in the school or know ramping up recruitment for the fall. Check online to see which sites are advertising. Walk to shops and restaurants and ask if they need additional help.

Tell all your friends and family know that you are looking for a job and ask them to keep an eye on you. And do not stop until you get a job. We often hear from job seekers to apply for several positions and then waits until it before it receives a new search an answer. You will not want to miss, waiting for an answer about something that may or may not happen.

Check with your school. Whether in school or college to see about using your school as a resource who the setting is to think. You can have a job on campus, which employs a perfect fit for your autumn is going to have. Or can your advisor with a local company, the students are connected rented. To go to school and a job can be a balancing act, and orders that are connected to their schools are experienced in helping to maintain this balance.

Think outside the norm. Restaurant and retail jobs will likely fall openings are ideal for students with a flexible schedule. But there are other industries out there that will show their attitude for the school year. Discover the kindergarten and the school curriculum.

Many of these places will see their summer employees go, or need additional assistance in preparing for new students. Also, check out the hotels and tourist attractions in university towns. You may have seen slowdown in the summer when school was out of session, but you certainly need additional assistance to manage not only students all families to come back to school, but to visit.

Be persistent. Center jobs for the school year, there will be competition for these openings. Your best bet is to do what you can do by employers. After the application, go in person to check the position.

Ask the hiring manager, and if they are not there when they return. Want to decision makers to speak. But make sure you stand out for the right reasons. Go dress professionally with copies of your resume and make sure you are outside the high season. For the hospitality and retail, I recommend 2-4 clock go on weekdays. Who knows, you might get an interview on the spot!

If you have had good luck finding a summer job or back to school and need extra income, now is a good time to begin ,!

Snagajob: | Snagajob Mobile Apps (Android and iPhone) | Twitter | Facebook

R EAD More: High School Job Search Tips: A - Z

Employment opportunities for students

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Flextime Definition

Definition: Flexible working hours allow from the employees, their arrival and departure from work. An alternative to the agenda 9-5, 40 traditional hours this week, flexible working hours are becoming more common in the population.

Employees value flexible working hours as a way to work and non-work balance responsibility. Flexible working hours for employees to raise families, Graduate School of useful, long distances, etc.

Employers such as flexible working hours as a way to attract and retain employees and increase job satisfaction and productivity.

If the employer offers the possibility of a flexible schedule, the program is approved by the employee under the direction of the needs of the workplace and the employee's request for flexibility.

Also known as: flexible working hours, flexible working

Read more: What is a part-time job? | What is a full time job? | How can I pay me overtime? | Types of work | How many hours per week is full time job?

Top 10 work from home jobs

There is a large market for electronic books, as fewer and fewer people shopping in the bookstores to buy books on paper. The booming e-book market has created a space for new writers to publish their work, and also for those who are familiar with the Internet, to learn the art of e-book edition.

Successful electronic publishing requires a strong marketing capabilities, and a master's in social media, but it is a position that can be completed from anywhere in the world online is.

Read more:

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Managing an office relationship

Even if love is a wonderful thing when business and pleasure mix, it can lead to problems at work. You do not want to look for a job because of a relationship to work, you start to lose your job.

Even if you wanted to heartbreak, not dismissed or forced to resign as part of your employment history.

First, be very careful with their relationship and the boundaries of their relationship to maintain strictly professional office.

Second, if you decide that one - or both - you have to go, do it on your own terms. Start looking for a job before and do not tell to finish as the reason for the survey to your love life.

For more tips about managing a relationship office - without costing you your job - Peter Handal, chairman, CEO and president of Dale Carnegie Training:

Check the company policies. Prior to an office romance, have clear company policy regarding office relationships. Many companies, large and small, have very strict rules against the development of relationships with colleagues. If it against the rules, you have to wonder: "Is it worth it" And if that's the case, discreet and prepare for the consequences.

Maintain decorum and professionalism. This is a good practice to keep separate their personal and professional lives that can not be a romantic relationship means affects the quality and efficiency of their work. When an office romance, the risks are even greater. If there is evidence that an office romance work affects one or two, you may be asked to end their romance or look for another job.

Avoid with someone in a higher or lower position. Policy and the hierarchy of the office should be high on the, especially when it comes to office romances. Select a tangle with an employee - especially with another seniority - could dramatically affect your salary or movement in your company. Avoid unwanted drama exam and avoid from with whom you regularly work.

Save the romance for out of office. Absolutely no public displays of affection at work. Keep to keep a safe distance and the romantic events to locations outside the office.

Address questions after hours. Never bring fights or arguments or at work. Personal disagreements should be handled outside the office.

Plan for the worst. Okay, the beginning of the relationship, how to treat a possible disintegration. Avoid at all costs, a break up chaotically. It's not just you and your partner are involved, the whole office and the future of the company policy dating.

Consider leaving., If the relationship is not serious, should be regarded member a new position outside the company.

By the way, if you with someone at work, you are not alone. Have CareerBuilder annual report on Office Romance anyone found 38% of American workers who worked from the same company, and 16% said they did it more than once.

Read more: Fired or forced to resign | The Best Job Search Advice | How to handle an office romance?

Related Articles: Office Romance | Director fired | forced to resign

Best Job Search for Seniors 15 College

If you are a person who is waiting for college graduates are soon, you are probably thinking about how to make the transition from student to worker self-supporting. Even in the best of circumstances, this process is very difficult for most seniors. But with the right preparation you can close the gap in school.

Based on over 25 years of experience as director of career services for college, here are my top 15 tips for job hunting older adults to college:

  • Locate the office of your college career as quickly as possible and visit regularly. Ask your friends who have graduated from the University of recommendations on the most effective in the office of careers advisers. Ask a planned every 3 weeks to draw the strategy and discuss your job search date.
  • Assess your interests, skills and values and working with a consultant to develop a profile of your ideal job. Be prepared to employers and contact networks for the types of things you enjoy doing, what you have to offer to tell in terms of knowledge, skills and personnel, and how these assets were considered in the qualities of the past in the situation.
  • Explore the occupations that match their skills, interests and values in discussions with consultants. Research fields interest them through resources available online and in the office of his college career. Informal discussions with elders, family doctors and local contacts in these areas work. Find out what it takes to get hired in these areas and ask your contacts to help identify your most marketable strengths as a candidate.
  • Be illuminates a resume, your achievements in science to describe extracurricular life, volunteer work, internships and jobs. Experiences with the current language, and focus on the skills you used, the results it has produced, and received gratitude .
  • Develop customized versions of your resume, if you have employment goals varies. Concentration on the experiences, achievements and skills that are most relevant for each field in the specific documents. Have you checked your resume with career counselors offices and contacts in each area. Before applying for any job, be sure to discuss the job requirements and, where appropriate, modify your resume, highlight the most important aspects of your experience.
  • Set a goal, set at least 3 workstations or visit campus recruitment opportunities every week 3. Compose letters to the specific needs of each occasion tuned. 5-7 reference assets that qualify more for the position. Point of papers, projects, jobs, leadership positions and courses in which you were able to apply for these assets.
  • The experts agree that networking career search strategy is the most effective use. Ask. Profession your office for names of former volunteers in the fields, places, and businesses of interest to many interviews and court informative as possible Ask for feedback on your documents, job search advice and suggestions from other professionals you know.
  • Visit Alumni events on campus or in places where you want to network. Visit of his race, the possibilities clubs to discover the former Office of the University and former regional and office.
  • Work with your family., In order to help you in your quest to create a list of your contacts. Ask your parents, the invited on the list of holiday card and / or to a wedding in the family Neighbors and business partners include parents. Send a note full of news with a recent picture of them up on some of their recent activities. Let them know that, like most of the college you. Interest in one of your contacts who work in the field to enter Share to approach information, tips and advice about your job search, these people.
  • Identify the professional associations in the target area with the help of consultants., You can Google as "professional nursing associations" to look at the options to generate. Join an organization as a member of the student. Come to the Roster information listed on interviews experienced professionals. Attend workshops, regional meetings and conferences, to mix with other members. Volunteer to help organize meetings or conferences for other members have the opportunity to see how it works.
  • Try to expand the relationship with a network of contacts with whom you have developed a relationship. Ask if you get them during a break from college shadow, a practical idea of their role and their working environment. As part of this process, often have the opportunity to meet other professionals and policy makers.
  • In addition to applying for jobs of your local career websites advertised, use the job search for companies in your industry or place of desire to identify. Seeking employment section of their website or contact your chances of staff for information on jobs for college graduates.
  • If you do not have a job that has finished, you should have a postgraduate course, if you suspect your target field requires more experience than what you already have. Often you can have a part-time internship with a job combine to generate income time you paid to gain experience.
  • A comprehensive presence on LinkedIn. Describe your assets and services in detail. Integrate recommendations from teachers, coaches, supervisors, employees and customers. Download portfolio samples of your writing, projects, PowerPoint presentations, spreadsheets or design work in your profile. Join groups of the University and their interests and participate in discussions. Reach out to other LinkedIn members to information and advice.
  • If you're having trouble landing your dream job, to be flexible and consider alternatives. You can by the unexpected opportunity, in an area be surprised. Example, if in doubt, apply for a job and more about the importance of the position, as the process progresses.

Student Job Search Articles and Tips

Delete an application

What is the best way to take your application if you have decided that you are not interested in the job? If you were not contacted for an interview, you must do nothing. Just say "no thank you" when you receive an e-mail or a phone call from a recruiter or hiring manager. You do not need to give a reason. Here is a sample letter to use to reject a job interview.

However, once an interview has planned or is complete, you should inform your employer if you do not go on no longer an interest in the work and you are with the process. This is not only friendly. It is also in good agreement with the employer for other opportunities within the company.

Here are some tips on how to revoke an application for the use of the review, including a sample e-mail and this means that if you decide to inform the company by a call.

Related Articles: How to reject a job offer | How against oversupply trade

Photo © Laflor

Sunday, August 17, 2014

6 places to find freelance jobs online

Once you get started, but is likely that potential concerts for you to find, especially online. Here are some places to find freelance work. Some sites to be familiar to all job seekers, and some may surprise you.


Create a profile and become a registered user, and monsters to address announcements to their specific needs, or search the database of labor market data. Found in the self, or are words such as "part-time" "independent" in your search criteria. Monster allows users to apply directly for jobs on the site. (For more tips on using job search for freelance, read this report.)

2nd LinkedIn

In the "recovery of steroids" probably grew up thinking service LinkedIn as a way to make themselves known to a full-time business, but is also a great tool for freelancers. Once you create a profile, including a clear shot to the head professional and relevant keywords to attract the attention of potential customers, you can start looking for freelance gigs., The word "independent" in the keywords Better yet, use the network service with connections to companies who need your services, and lay the foundation for a personal presentation of contractors hiring manager.

3 Career Builder

Career Builder, you can up to five hands of different life, that means that you can look back for a variety of freelance work at the same time, or work on looking for work full-time and part-time, while the examination of the post-up water for a possible independent career. To find freelance jobs, add "free" or "part-time" in your search criteria. (For more tips on using the Job Search Career Builder Freelance, read this report.)

4 Craigslist

The granddaddy of all local sites, Craigslist is a good option for finding freelance work hyper. Go to the website of your city and then for the opportunity to use search on the right side of the screen. Select your industry and search by keyword (eg "free") or go directly to the list of "part-time" at the end of the list. For independent work of even shorter duration, "concerts" in the lower right corner of the screen a work that lasts the duration of a project.

Beware of scams. Although no longer posting jobs on Craigslist, it is still quite low - as little as $ 25 per employee for each category, in most cities. And never let anyone know your account number, social security number or other personal information to obtain access to a list or to a concert. (For more tips on using Craigslist for job search on your own, read this report.)


Search millions of jobs, independent and other offers in your area by keywords and location. You can also set up e-mail alerts, independent jobs are sent directly to your inbox.

6 flexible jobs

Posts flexible working is not free, it is also one of the few job boards that. Merely job seekers looking for part-time, flexi-time or self-employment goal The site is also investigating the companies that offer their lists to ensure that they are legitimate - and promises a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the results. Although I am working, flexible offers ads in Canada and abroad, you will be the job you're looking for American companies.

Read more: 9 kinds of independent work

How to Find Freelance Work | Top 10 Jobs for Tele | Job Search tip 10: Related

10 tips to stay positive in your job search

It's easy to get frustrated or discouraged while looking for work, especially if you already used the hunting or unemployed for a period of time. However, it is important to try to stay positive throughout the job search process.

Positive mood to motivate you continue your job search. Your positive attitude through interviews and networking opportunities to come, in order to increase your chances of a good first impression.

Here are some tips on finding a job to remain optimistic and enthusiastic.

Top 10 Tips positive while job hunting to stay

Create a search used daily
If possible, treat your job search like a 9-5 working wake up early, take a break for lunch, and end their search activities before dinner. Creating a normal routine keep you focused and motivated. Also, make a start and end time of the job search must stop thinking in search of work in the evenings and spend time focusing on other important aspects of life, such as your friends and family.

Find time to think about your job search
It is easy to still have your job search on the back of the head. However, excessive concern for your job search will only increase stress and prevent you. Different aspects of your life Set aside time each day to forget your job search and do something you enjoy, such as taking a walk (exercise is an important way to de-stress!) Or go to the movies.

Helping others is a great way to help you feel more driven purpose. Find a volunteer organization that is connected their personal interests, or even your career. Voluntary organizations also offer the opportunity to network.

Join (or start) a declaration Job Club
Join an organization of other job seekers provide the necessary support. A job club, you can stay on your job search, and can even advise you on job search and job potential. Look networking sites, your local library or college career center for potential clubs.

Reasonable set concrete goals
At the beginning of each week, make a list of specific, manageable goals you want to achieve. Maybe to write five letters a week, or go to three job fairs want. By focusing on small achievable goals, you feel in your job search more accomplished.

Celebrate the small victories
It is easy to focus on the negative in the job search, such as maintenance, you do not have to do the work, or do not. Instead, focus on small victories. Be proud of yourself for a phone interview, but will not be invited for an interview in person. It offers when you. A new connection on LinkedIn, or someone comments on your blog Celebrate small victories will help you focus on the positive.

Move fast
If you apply for a job or a job interview, it is easy to fix on the expectation of a response from the employer. Yes, you should keep track of the jobs you keep applying, you may contact the employer if you do not hear a reply in a week or two. However, if you do not hear a reply, or if you do not get the job, only to. Cross this job from your list and focus on the next opportunity.

To show all the chance
It's just tired, get writing letters, participating in interviews and networking. However, try all activities as an opportunity that only make you a better candidate for the position to think. If you are interviewing for a job, you do not that you really want (or do not think you get), try as an opportunity to network of the interview and think the work on your interview skills. Think of each letter, the opportunity to refine their writing and editing skills. Just think of tasks as opportunities instead of jobs put you in a positive mindset.

Focus on the Positive
During the job search, it is helpful to make a list of the best qualities, skills and achievements. This list will help you prepare your cover letter and during practice for an interview. Keep this list where you can see and they can check regularly. Notice what makes him a successful candidate and a talented person will help you to increase your confidence in the job search.

Focus on what you can control
You can not control whether and when an interviewer will call you, or if this network contacts that offer by e-mail all the tracks. If you feel worried about something that is beyond your control, you do something you can control, such as writing and sending a letter or at a networking event. By focusing on what you can do to help your job search, you worry less about what out of hand.

Read more: More Job Search Tips | How to Start Job Search | How to apply for jobs | How to maintain a positive attitude during a job interview

12 & # 039; t need things Job Search

Going back to the basics can be a good idea if you are looking for work and little time and money. It can be pulled together with a cover letter and resume large, someone who you give to find a link and some construction sites, displaying that are on your experience and qualifications.

What is not necessary

Here is a list of 12 things that you do not need a job. Jump on these things will also save time and money, without your job search You:

  • Facebook: Social Media can be found at work, depending on the type of work that you can apply. However, it can definitely be hired without a professional profile on his Facebook page. That is, if you have a Facebook page, make sure that all public information is appropriate when a hiring manager decides to check his Facebook page.
  • Twitter Like on Facebook, Twitter can be a useful platform of social media for your job search. It allows you to connect with professionals in your industry to share their knowledge and opinions about current industry trends. However, you do not need a Twitter account to make a successful job search, if you can not apply especially for a job that social media is.
  • Join LinkedIn Bonus: If you are looking for a professional position, you should be on LinkedIn. A premium subscription if you can afford it, will help you to get the most out of LinkedIn. However, it is not necessarily one.
  • Personal Web Site: If you have a portfolio of work that relates to your career, a website is a useful way to show your best work. However, a website is not required. You might consider, videos, articles and pictures on your LinkedIn profile and add your URL to your LinkedIn resume and online profiles on other networking sites.
  • Infographics CV: You do not have to pay luxury design for a resume. In fact, most employers prefer a simple life with leaf format, in particular it easy for them to open and understand. Unless you are looking for a job in the design, marketing, or in a creative field, be. At a traditional CV
  • Reprise Video: How a sheet infographic life, a video resume can be a useful way to strengthen your application, especially if you are in an industry that requires you to work in front of or behind the camera. However, a poorly made video life your application really hurt, and to replace video CVs usually non-traditional CV.
  • Job Search Coach: A coach can be a useful tool in the job search, but coach cost money. Before you consider spending money on a car, the services should be able to get free or low cost.
  • Resume and cover letter writing services: As a coach, a writing service can be a useful tool for job search. But before you spend money on a service, you should consider the services you can get free or low cost. If you have a strong friend or family member, a writer and / or editor, do not forget to ask for help (just be sure to be to tell you).
  • To find numbers for a job: Keep your money and your time. You do not have to pay for the jobs. Everything you need for a successful job search is available online.
  • To pay rent: Again, you keep your money. You do not need someone to pay you put in the profession.
  • Smartphone: With a smartphone can be useful, but you do not make it a for a successful job search. If you have access to a computer, you will be fine. If not, ask your local library to see if they have computers for guest use.
  • Interview cheap stuff: You can also save money during the interview process. While it is always important to dress for the occasion at a job interview, you do not have to break the bank to do so. Here is a classic interview suit for $ 80.

What is not necessary

This is what companies do not want to see, according to a survey by The Creative Group:

  • 70% - Traditional CV (PDF / Word)
  • 20% - Infographic
  • 4% - Social Profile or online
  • 2% - Video CV

According to the survey, remains a traditional resume is the most important element for a job search needs.

In terms of a cover letter, a survey Saddleback College reported that 53% of employers responded that a cover letter is required, while almost 30% had no preference. It is important to note that the only thing a cover letter takes the time to write it. If you have time, a well written cover letter can up your chances of being selected for an interview. And if an employer requests a letter undoubtedly, at the risk of throwing incomplete application.

Here's how your job search, without simplifying one of the most important elements that are important for an effective job search.

Read more: search, tips for job interviews and employment | | How not to find a job | Six Common Mistakes Job

Related Articles: How to Dress for an Interview | Top 10 Interview Tips | How to find work when you are busy

Friday, August 15, 2014

Sample letter requesting Levante

An example of a letter requesting a raise, the achievements and contributions to the company are detailed employee.

Sample Letter Request for Raise

First name last name
123 North St.
Miami, FL 33151


Lydia Smith
XYZ Company sales
321 South St.
Miami, FL 33125

Love Lydia Smith

I have enjoyed at XYZ Company revenue for the past three years. In those years, I became a full member of the sales team and have innovative ways to contribute to society develops. For example, just last year, I have achieved the following:

  • Seller ranked highest in customer satisfaction in the last quarter
  • Two new major customers of the company, sales increase of total activity by 10%
  • Volunteering in trained sales staff, for a total of 80 hours of volunteer service

I think I do. Across the benchmarks that we set for my position when I went in the company three years ago I am happy to meet with you to discuss my salary increases it for my current performance situation. I demand a salary increase of six per cent, which I think reflects my current skills and media industry.

Again, I have the pleasure of a member of this organization, and I love the missions that can bring me into society.

Thanks for your time. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Best regards,

First name Last Name (Signature)

First name last name (typed)

Related Article: How to ask for a raise | to Example E-mail message for a raise | Top 10 things to do and not to do to ask for a raise

Wages Information and advice

The 10 secrets to a successful job search

Sometimes it may seem that you have done the right things when it comes to your job search, but still not succeed.

While this is a frustrating situation, the fact of the matter is that there are a lot of unemployed people looking for a job, when the competition is strong.

These days, it has more than one letter of motivation decent and will do on time for the interview. It must stand out from the crowd.

Here are ten secrets to start your job search.

15 Quick Tips to Help You hired

I've heard that job seekers just do not know some things that effectively help your job search. A person with whom I spoke knew little you need to send a thank you after an interview. Another was unaware that it had contained no need all his years of experience on your resume.

Some of the things on the list are the little things that make the difference. Others are large enough to make or break your job search can. Here are 15 things you need to know to find a new job about finding work that you need quickly.

15 things you know about the job search

You can save time with Job search options Advanced search job boards. All major construction projects (such as,, CareerBuilder, Monster and Dice) have an option "Advanced Search" where you can search by keyword, location, radius of a place of title, company, type of work, publication date, and other options. Here is my list of the top 10 job sites.

The demand for each job you find is not always a good idea. Their search Focus on the jobs that you are qualified. You have a better chance selected for an interview. Send resumes and cover letters at random just a waste of time. To take before starting the job search, the time to decide what type of work you are looking for. Better yet, get a list of target companies to work and you do your best want to be noticed by them. Here's how to get the attention for his dream company.

Be sure to look for work while waiting to hear from the employer. Most job seekers are greater than 15 employers before they refused a job. Learn from your mistakes and continue to apply, until you get the right offer. In the worst case, you can juggle multiple job offers. It is a good thing.

It is acceptable to ask the same job more than once. Way he asked his dream job, and you do not get a response from the company. Then you will see the change again. A "more" that's fine, but be sure your skills to take good working conditions in his letters again and match coverage. Also, check LinkedIn to see who you know. You can get a reference for the second time. Here's how to find contacts in a company.

You need a special letter and not get to see your resume. You only have a few seconds to a human resources manager in order to interview you choose impress. I know that the hiring managers to each request personally to screen and tell me if you can not do for the company in the first paragraph of your cover letter is not submitted, is not to get an interview. Here is how you fit your skills to work.

You also need to target your resume to the job. This is not just your cover letter. CV needs to be changed and improved, so it is use more as a game as possible. Otherwise, it can not be used by the applicant tracking systems by companies to screen or recruiter review will be picked up again. Here's how to write a resume targeted.

It is not necessary to include all of your experience in your resume. Someone told me a resume that had over 40 years experience. Unfortunately, this will not impress anyone. It goes back to him, and too much information and too experienced for most jobs. This is an experience and what data to include in a resume.

You can include more than full-time work on your resume. If you want to have been in the job that you do not look your resume, how you not done anything since he have fired. There are other things besides your professional career that you can use to strengthen your resume. Here is a list of what you include in your resume, if you have been in the labor market.

As a manager or a person in his profession successfully dressed. Perhaps appearances should not matter, but they do. The first minutes of the interview is when you know that the critical first impression to make. Make sure you according to the type of work and the company you are applying dressed. Here is a proper maintenance is required for a variety of different tasks and work environments.

Be yourself. Susan Heathfield, a specialist in human resources for says you have to be yourself. Repeated false smile, and say what they think the interviewer wants instead of what you really hear mislead the employer. Employers want to know who hired, and that is the person you want to appear for the first day.

Storytelling in a job interview is a great way to your experience and skills. A way to share to the employer that you really like, is to tell a story to show. When asked during a job interview questions, the transfer of specific knowledge and experience you have and how the situations you handled asked. The more specific information you plus the hiring manager know that you are qualified. Here's how to answer interview questions.

Never badmouth a former employer. When I was a hiring manager, I used to cringe when people badmouthed your boss. In fact, one of the most common mistakes interview, your boss or colleagues to make. The first thing the interviewer think about what you say to your business, and move on.

You should send a thank you note after an interview. Is important to pursue for a job interview. It is a way as to show your appreciation for the for the position. It is also a way to reaffirm your interest and to share what they have neglected during the interview. Here is how to say thank you for a job interview with sample thank you notes and e-mails.

Networking is an essential element of successful job search. Most jobs are still over a network, either online or in person. You never know who will help you get your next job, if you tell your connections to your job search.   How to use your contacts in a store.

References can make a big difference in their attitude. References are important, and employers to verify it. Get recommendations from supervisors, colleagues, clients, subordinates and suppliers. Save them on sites like LinkedIn and share as much as possible. If you are afraid of a bad reference from your supervisor, working on getting some personal references that you add to your password. This is what to do with a bad reference.

Another tip

Polishing your shoes before your interview. This is an advantage, but, yes, hiring managers are looking for shoes. If not shine, dry leather or cleaning work on multipurpose. It is important, the best from head to foot!

Read more: The 10 Secrets to Job Search

Related Article: 10 things to do with your job search today | How to find a job to start | Review your resume and cover letter | Networking Career Advice | Top 25 Tips for Job Search

Thursday, August 14, 2014

How much time to spend on job search

Consultants often asked by college graduates, unemployed, how long to spend looking for a job. The formula can vary greatly, depending on the situation and goals in life of graduates, but this article a framework that can accommodate most of these situations are presented.

Although this advice is aimed at graduates looking for their first full-time job is directed, is the same pattern for all who seek employment, to work. If you do not spend enough time, your job search is not out of the ground. If you spend a lot of time, it is very likely to burn.

Juggling Your Job Search

It would be easy to say that a job would be to find work full time for the individual, but in fact, speak more than 40 hours a week to do research would be more than most people can handle. A reasonable goal would be 25 hours per week for those who do not work in an internship or a temporary job to do. For those who work 15 hours a week would be a reasonable allocation of time.

Time devoted to job search

The distribution of job search time of 25 hours could be as follows:

  • Five hours per week must be devoted refining search composition and communication work, including resumes, cover letters and follow-up letters or e-mails.
  • 3 hours per week to the research and application of certain of sources, including online job boards and company websites published jobs.
  • 3 hours per week to identify organizations in industries and attractions, to lead prospects of research on job opportunities. This time is come, the end of the online profiles and resumes in databases employer.
  • 3 hours per week of travel and to participate in interviews. Participation in job fairs would be included in this subdivision. This time will vary from week to week, depending on the amount of guaranteed interviews.
  • 11 hours per week must be devoted to different networks.

Network Deployment time

Since networking is clearly the most effective strategy and less often by the majority of job seekers to understand, is a more accurate statement of the relevant activities justified.

A sample of networking events for this segment of its research program weekly job are taken into account:

Informative interviews. Career and / or College Alumni Office list of alumni who work for companies, industries, professional fields or places of interest. Reaching as many of the old as possible and try to schedule information to learn more about your surroundings and to make your job search advice interviews.

Job Shadowing. Alumni If you ask me, well, if shadow can have one or two days at work with a broad understanding of their role taken.

Networking events. Consult with your career and your old desktop on any network or social events in your neighborhood or places of interest as a way to interact with additional ones. LinkedIn establishing or improving their use. Join LinkedIn profile and groups in their areas of the university and professional interest. Contact the members of the advisory bodies and additional information queries.

Use your personal network. Wear your online friends network / family. Create a brochure with a recent photo of yourself news and information on the latest fun and interesting events of his life. Add to share the contacts from the areas, places or companies of interest and tips for finding a request for it. Mention that you reach your contacts for informational interviews. Ask your parents for a mailing list of contacts that are invited to a wedding or to obtain a residence permit to be like a family. Send your brochure to all on the list because you never know who knows, maybe.

Ask friends. Verify your list of Facebook friends, even those who have completed their degree within the last three years and reach all those who work for a company or an interesting business you. Ask if you visit them at work for a briefing and you can colleagues can influence the recruitment, give.

To make money. If you must work to generate cash flow, while looking for a career job, you should consider the positions that give you the opportunity to interact or accommodate in a hotel waiter with the public as a servant, agent. To develop by providing excellent service and a relationship with the customer, let them know about their latest interest casually. You will be surprised how many business cards and references that you can get.

Search Even with this long list of possible activities for work, you do not have enough time for fun and socializing, after 25 hours only 22% of their waking hours. A balanced life helps to maintain energy for a search campaign viable employment.

Top 15 jobs on campus for students

Whether you need to find a job to meet a condition of work and studies covenant, or you are looking to make extra money to make it through the semester, on-campus jobs are ideal for option students who working.

If you work on campus, you do not need too much about going to the office, which can be particularly difficult when it comes to balancing homework, studying, and of course to take care of the class time. Moreover, the work in the school a great way to meet new people and valuable connections with teachers and administrators at his school to be.

Here are the 15 best jobs on campus for students.

Top 5 Tips for Finding a Job You Love

Search for a job can be a lot like dating. It can be easy to go online and do a match for a first date, but what happens after that is what matters most. That the first date (or the first interview) are a long-term relationship?

The job search can be a challenge. It's not just a matter of finding a job - any job. It is important for the right job, a job that is a good way for you now and in the future, whether as a springboard for his career or opportunity, you feel good find with long-term.

Because the job search takes time and hard work, and because it can be even more difficult if a job does not work and you withdraw at the end or may be dismissed, it is better to spend your time, things start from the moment do employment.

Here are 5 ways to help you find a job:

Ask. Match. Prior to starting the job search, you spend time to ensure that you are looking for the right job If you are not sure what you want to do is take a test run or two to generate ideas. If professional advice or consultation, which will help you. Use the job search engines, the work that is worth to find your skills, experience and interests.

You get the scoop. Applies not only for the work. Take a step further. Use your connections on LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and other social networking sites to know that you know the company. Knowledge and information about the company in general and at work. Its contacts can also be able to provide a reference for the position. See page and LinkedIn profiles on social networks now.

The interview in both directions. For the company you interview how to interview equal value. Be ready to answer questions and have to provide a list of interview questions of your own. If you are not 100% sure that you are not a job and with the team that is working with have met, ask if you can meet your future boss and colleagues.

Experience the culture of the company. Employment may seem horrible, but you work for the company? Is the corporate culture a solution for you at this stage of your career? Is it too formal - or too casual? How is the organization structured? Is it possible to progress? Spend time reading what employees have to say about the company on If you are a college student, please contact us to connect your office if they have a career alumni network, you can use. Back to your LinkedIn follow-up questions. How to use your contacts when looking for work.

Make sure the job is a good fit. Besides ensuring that you want to work for the company, the work carefully. Do you really want this job? Are you happy to do it? Do you have to boost your career? It will give you the flexibility or work / life balance you? This is the salary you expect? If not, negotiate a higher salary option? The advantages are sufficient for your needs? How about working hours, hours, and travel, if at all? If there is something at work or salary you make think twice about the time before the acceptance of the offer to act.

Of course, not all jobs perfectly, even if you do everything right. However, you will have a better chance of a decent game, if you be careful, are on every step of the job search and take the time to due diligence before saying "Yes" to the hiring manager.

Related Articles: How to evaluate a job offer | Our Job

Monday, August 11, 2014

Health / Safety Job Titles

List of job titles for health and safety.

Health / Safety Job Titles

A - E

  • Arson Investigator
  • Cargo Surveyor
  • Insurance and Claims Analyst
  • Compliance Investigator
  • Head of Corporate Security
  • Jailer
  • Deputy Fire Chief
  • Director of Security and Welfare
  • Compliance Officer
  • Environment, Health and Safety
  • Specialist Environmental Protection
  • Environmental Health Specialist
  • Environment, Health and delivery of specialized security
  • Environmental, health and safety engineer
  • Environment, Health and Safety
  • Specialist Environmental Protection
  • Environmental Quality Analyst
  • Environmental specialists
  • Agent of Epidemic Intelligence Service
  • Epidemiologist
  • Ergonomists

F - M

  • Security Engineer extravehicular activity (VAS Engineer)
  • Service Area Safety
  • Firefighter
  • Fire inspector
  • Fire Investigator
  • Fire Chief
  • Fire inspector
  • Brand Specialist
  • Fire and Explosion Investigator
  • Fish and Game Warden
  • Health and Safety
  • Industrial Engineering Health / Safety
  • Industry workers
  • Infection Control Medical
  • Safety / injury
  • Inspector
  • Researcher
  • Jailer
  • Loss Prevention Consultant
  • Occupational Health Manager
  • Marine Cargo Surveyor
  • Marine Surveyor
  • Medical Director, Personal Health Services

N - R

  • Work Health Analyst
  • Occupational Health Nurse
  • Petroleum Inspector
  • Police
  • Link Product Liability
  • Product safety consultant
  • Product Safety Engineering
  • Security Product Manager
  • Regional Director of Security
  • Conservation and restoration resources Enforcement Officer (RCRA means)
  • Risk Control Consultant
  • Risk control representatives
  • Risk Management Coordinator

S - Z

  • Director of Security
  • Safety engineer
  • Safety technician
  • Guard
  • Medical staff, medicine and primary care at work
  • Surveyor
  • System Security Engineer
  • Poisons Program Officer
  • Waste management

Track lists
Learn more about job titles and list of job titles for a variety of professions.

Samples Occupation
Examples of job titles and titles of the opportunities in the industry, type of work, occupation, career field and position lists.

Pink Slip? Neighbor; What & # 039?

Have you lost your job? If so, you are not alone. There are always companies that cut jobs or restructuring. This is a normal part of doing business in today's economy.

However, you may be able to make a layoff into a new career. Here's how to manage unemployment, starting a job search, and advice on what to do if you get fired.

Before the actual news, rumors often arise along downsizing an office for employees to be at least somewhat prepared for a layoff notice. In other cases, the message is a surprise - you shocked, dazzled, and not quite sure what to do next.

Check your Benefits

If you have an idea that it will ask a bad news for the preparation, what are the benefits for laid-off employees are eligible. If you were laid off and not yet informed about the benefits, call the HR department of your former employer or your administrator to inquire about the status of their services resources:

  • Ask about severance pay, holiday pay, overtime and sick leave, retirement benefits, and eligibility for unemployment insurance.
  • Pay can be negotiable. You have nothing by asking for more than what is offered to lose.
  • Request information on the preservation of health and life insurance benefits. Your employer if the company has more than 20 employees, the law is sent to health insurance through COBRA terminated ask employees for at least 18 months. However, it is worth asking whether you are covered for a period of time at no cost to you.
  • Learn more about the relocation resources - Some companies offer job search.
  • Request a recommendation letter for your records.

Assess your goals

Focus your energy and use this windfall of time as an opportunity to assess your career goals again and off you go to find a new job. Many job seekers have become an end in a positive experience. Leaving the labor force has often paved the way for a new, satisfying career and better paid than not seen in other circumstances.

And after that? Resources such as unemployment, career planning, resume and cover letter, networking, and, of course, job offers, so that you can go in search of employment.

Place of filing for unemployment as. In a file, what you need, eligibility, exclusions, additional services and information from the user interface

Ten steps to finding a new job
Ten steps to find a new job, even if the work, the most important places of work to find how to use your connections, how to be successful in the interview and follow-up.