Wednesday, July 30, 2014

How to react if an interviewer seems ...

At the present time, it is unusual, interviewer, a direct question about the age of the applicant ask. This should be the old you ask, albeit indirectly, is one of the things that researchers should not do during a job interview. However, discrimination on grounds of age is always an important issue for many older job seekers.

Employers worry about the age

An unethical or uninformed interviewer could ask a direct question about his age. Occasionally, a recruiter fish to questions that a preview of your age you would ask if he can produce graduated from college. In many cases, it is common that the respondents concerns or questions the interviewer to identify about their age. Here are some interview questions related to age are not likely to ask.

Not only is the presumption that the applicant is "too old", which is a problem for employers. Rather, it is the assumption (often incorrectly) that older employees are not met in some essential qualities that affect job performance.

Common adverse assumptions about older workers by employers include lack of energy, health problems, inflexible to changing circumstances approach, whereby out of touch with the current trends in the industry, with a poor control of the new, or has a disability, relate to younger workers or those of different ethnic backgrounds technology.

Volunteer Information counter assumptions about your age

If it seems that the auditor has concerns about his age, is the best approach to provide information voluntarily to meet these assumptions to answer the legitimate interview questions such as "Why should we hire you?" or "What are the main benefits highlighted in this position?" Use investigated these questions as an opportunity to show the interviewer that you are qualified not only, but all other assets of the employer.

Focus on your skills

Applicants who can relate to older examples of long working hours on critical projects and quantitative measures of productivity, can easily thwart assumptions about the lack of energy. Emphasizing creative approaches to problem solving, older workers can demonstrate their flexibility and adaptability to new challenges.

Mature applicants must not dispel a clear pattern of commitment to professional development and reference to the latest trends in the industry fears that are in contact. Discuss leadership roles with professional groups and conference presentations can go a long way to go to prove this point, too. Mature applicants should ensure that the cultivation of technological know-how, including newly acquired knowledge and skills relate.

Examples of shared resources

Whenever possible, give positive examples of teamwork and / or contact the customer a variety (in terms of age and cultural background) mixing colleagues and customers. Stories of how he or consultant can actually less successful colleagues illustrate this. On the other hand, can share stories about how you have successfully worked for a young manager, also help.

Beware of the animal health problems

No need to talk to good health, as it is a problem, not to increase directly into the mind of the interviewer. However, if you have a strong record of support, you could say that you missed a few, if you count the days to come to work and on time. Sometimes active recreation, such as running, skiing, spinning and dancing for less formal stages of an interview mention can demonstrate the vitality and high energy level.

Read more: Age Discrimination in the Workplace | Job Search Tips for Older Workers | Answering Illegal Interview Questions | Answers interview candidates aged | tips for older job seekers Job Interview

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