Wednesday, July 30, 2014

How to organize the job search

In today's job market, it is not uncommon that applications for hundreds of positions present. This requires a lot of time, and to keep many things in mind. You do not want to important application is missing those precious hours, crippling businesses and positions, the confusion of the interview time, you forget or lose control.  

Consequently, the proper management of the job search is as important as the identification of employment opportunities and apply.

Here are the ten best ways to keep track of your applications and the process of job search.

How to react if an interviewer seems ...

At the present time, it is unusual, interviewer, a direct question about the age of the applicant ask. This should be the old you ask, albeit indirectly, is one of the things that researchers should not do during a job interview. However, discrimination on grounds of age is always an important issue for many older job seekers.

Employers worry about the age

An unethical or uninformed interviewer could ask a direct question about his age. Occasionally, a recruiter fish to questions that a preview of your age you would ask if he can produce graduated from college. In many cases, it is common that the respondents concerns or questions the interviewer to identify about their age. Here are some interview questions related to age are not likely to ask.

Not only is the presumption that the applicant is "too old", which is a problem for employers. Rather, it is the assumption (often incorrectly) that older employees are not met in some essential qualities that affect job performance.

Common adverse assumptions about older workers by employers include lack of energy, health problems, inflexible to changing circumstances approach, whereby out of touch with the current trends in the industry, with a poor control of the new, or has a disability, relate to younger workers or those of different ethnic backgrounds technology.

Volunteer Information counter assumptions about your age

If it seems that the auditor has concerns about his age, is the best approach to provide information voluntarily to meet these assumptions to answer the legitimate interview questions such as "Why should we hire you?" or "What are the main benefits highlighted in this position?" Use investigated these questions as an opportunity to show the interviewer that you are qualified not only, but all other assets of the employer.

Focus on your skills

Applicants who can relate to older examples of long working hours on critical projects and quantitative measures of productivity, can easily thwart assumptions about the lack of energy. Emphasizing creative approaches to problem solving, older workers can demonstrate their flexibility and adaptability to new challenges.

Mature applicants must not dispel a clear pattern of commitment to professional development and reference to the latest trends in the industry fears that are in contact. Discuss leadership roles with professional groups and conference presentations can go a long way to go to prove this point, too. Mature applicants should ensure that the cultivation of technological know-how, including newly acquired knowledge and skills relate.

Examples of shared resources

Whenever possible, give positive examples of teamwork and / or contact the customer a variety (in terms of age and cultural background) mixing colleagues and customers. Stories of how he or consultant can actually less successful colleagues illustrate this. On the other hand, can share stories about how you have successfully worked for a young manager, also help.

Beware of the animal health problems

No need to talk to good health, as it is a problem, not to increase directly into the mind of the interviewer. However, if you have a strong record of support, you could say that you missed a few, if you count the days to come to work and on time. Sometimes active recreation, such as running, skiing, spinning and dancing for less formal stages of an interview mention can demonstrate the vitality and high energy level.

Read more: Age Discrimination in the Workplace | Job Search Tips for Older Workers | Answering Illegal Interview Questions | Answers interview candidates aged | tips for older job seekers Job Interview

Monday, July 28, 2014

How not to look for work

There are many things when applying for a job to do, but there are ways you through improperly violating your job search application for jobs. It is important to know what not to do, what to do when applying for a job. This is how not to apply for a job.

How not to look for work

Submit an application for employment, CV or letter with typo
Review your resume, cover letter and every email you send for grammar and spelling - even if it's just a quick email or a message on LinkedIn or Facebook message with a network contact. If you submit an application to a typo, you can be called out of contention for a job. This means to write complete sentences, spelling and grammar.

Do your employment history do not know
If you apply online or in person for a job, the employer will expect you to know your employment history, including dates of employment, job title, and company information for each work that you have done. What can you do if you do not the exact dates of employment? Here's how you can build your personal work history when you get away from all the details.

Tell everyone that you are seeking employment
If you are unemployed - It may be a good idea, you know all that you are looking to tell work. If you have a job and want to keep, be very careful who you say that you are seeking employment. Also be sure to use tools to keep your job search confidential. You do not want to listen to your boss that you are looking for, and can jeopardize the work that you currently have.

Enjoy your connections
It is appropriate to use their connections to find a job. However, it is not appropriate to attempt to circumvent the hiring process to try is set. Use your connections carefully and ensure that they are recommended for use in a professional manner.

Inappropriate dress
Jeans or shorts, tank tops, blouses or what you are not too low cut (cleavage is not a good thing if you are looking for work) or too short. Be careful not to show too much skin, ie the abdomen should not be displayed. Do not wear high heels, platforms, sandals, or your favorite pair of old sneakers in poor condition. It is always important to clean to be neat and tidy, and present a positive image of entrepreneurs. This is what you should consider in order to find work.

Forget your resume
When applying for jobs in person during the interview, additional copies of your resume is a good idea. Remember, too, to bring and your listing, if you are interviewing for a related academic post.

Keep your cell phone
Perform a job application or job interview is not a place to sneak in some texts. When the phone constantly ringing or buzzing atmosphere creates a very annoying and talks bad about you. So make it a priority to switch your phone to silent mode and put it in your purse or pocket.

Go with your iPod headphones and playback.
Although you may be dying to see the end of your favorite song, turn your iPod before you go for a job or go to a job interview.

Bring food or drink
Plan ahead and have a coffee or another drink or snack before or after the interview, because it's not professional, during your interview, eat and drink. Done (or discard) coffee or lunch before the interview.

Bring your family or friends
You should to apply to companies and interviews alone, so do not bring your parents, your friends or your boyfriend or girlfriend. If you apply for a job in retail and wait for friends with them outside the store or elsewhere. The only time this does not apply if you and your friends to advertise a recruitment company for several positions.

Unprofessional law
No matter how difficult your job search, seek, welcome your conversation with kindness and be active and engaged in the interview process. As sociable and positive, even if you do not feel this way.

Do not honest when it is available,
If you know if it is possible to work for you, to be honest with your prospective employer. You do not want to commit end up taking more hours than they process or a schedule that does not work, embarrass you and your employer can.

Asking for money
I cringe when someone tells me they have asked for a salary, not found to be in question. Avoid mentioning the payment until you have a job or at least until the employer brings. Even then, be careful how to negotiate the salary.

Top Job Search error
What are the worst mistakes of the work that you can do the research? Some are big mistakes that can put the end of the job search before it has even begun. Others are small errors, for a competitive job market, it may be sufficient to eliminate them from contention for a job. Be sure to avoid large errors, job search, then you are in the best position for an effective job search.

More searches for errors
What is the worst mistake you can make when you are looking for work? Read on key mistakes that could cost you a job and his advice on the job search mistakes to avoid in the list.

Search 7 Reasons for no work: Read more

Career Advice Job Article

Better Jobs for shy people

I have a job seeker the other day, who has worked with a career coach wanted them to move out of your comfort zone and to work in a career field where you will be a person to listen to people. The coach in which I want to work with people him the promotion of employment in jobs when you just do not want.

She knew that she be forced to not starting and decided to pass. She is now working with another coach who helps you to find a job that is a good fit. She is shy and does not want to be in the middle - or on the stage at all.

The 10 jobs for introverts

For those of us who are shy - and are willing to stay that way - there are jobs that are a better choice than others. Career Cast has compiled a list of top jobs for people who are shy. Here are the Top 10:

  • Animal Care and Service Occupations
  • Archivist
  • Astronomer
  • Court Reporter
  • Film / Video Editor
  • Ministry of Finance
  • Earth sciences
  • Industrial machinery repairs
  • The medical records technician
  • Social Media Manager

Search Tips for Introverts

Even if you are not interested in any of these specific jobs, here are some tips to find a job without changing your personality:

Red at their own pace - Networking is an important aspect in the job search, but if you are introverted, can be intimidating. Look for ways that you can make for people in small groups or one-on-one networking. Interviews information one-on-one, or attend events or seminars small network.

With the Internet - happiness in today's world, most job search can be done online. Build your professional network online, with social networking sites like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Networking sites are a great place to connect with people and to share their professional knowledge, without the intimidation of a meeting face-to-face group.

Pay attention to the corporate culture - When applying for jobs, make sure to study the corporate culture of the organization. Read the article on the website of the company's "About" and talking to employees or former employees of the atmosphere of the company. Is there an emphasis on projects and teamwork team? The office has an open floor plan? It applies only to contracts that offer the typical office environment, you will feel comfortable.

Focus on the positive - an introverted personality can be a benefit in many jobs. In his letters and interviews, focus on aspects of your personality that you make a good candidate. For example, many introverts are great listeners and strong critical thinkers. Think about it, how to use your personality to your advantage in the job search.

Recycle - if you are particularly concerned about an interview or other meeting in person, make sure that you prepare well in advance. Create a list of possible interview questions and practice your answers. The more you practice, the better you will feel confident in the interview.

Read more: The best jobs for introverts Career Cast | Jobs Top 10 lists | Top Jobs
Change 10 Steps to a Successful Career | Working Tests | Free Personality Test: Related Articles

Job Search in Twitter

Twitter information:

Twitter is a social networking and microblogging with Flash, SMS or a web interface messaging. Twitter is open and the people and businesses use in a variety of ways, including job search.

Users post updates on Twitter, which are displayed in the profile page of the user and have subscribed to other users who have them shipped to receive.

Use Twitter for Job Search:

Employers and job boards displayed Twitter Jobs and job seekers use Twitter to facilitate their job search.

Twitter Workstation
Building Twitter Twitter Job Search Engines, Tweets, employment, and how to find a job on Twitter.

Job Search on Twitter:

Users can search Twitter for jobs also:
Twitter Search is a job search engine that searches Twitter for jobs by keyword.

How employers use Twitter:

Employers also use Twitter. Zappos, for example, has a link to Twitter on their website, so you can see what employers are Zappo and the company is now using Twitter to win. Rainier PR recruited and introduced the use of Twitter. AT & T Posts Twitter open positions. Many other companies have a corporate presence on Twitter. Search by company name to find them.
Twitter Name Search
Twellow Twitter Search

Follow me on Twitter:

Follow Alison on Twitter.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

How to use to improve your career Rebel Mouse

Rebel Mouse is a free service that organizes your online presence in an elegant place. Links Rebel Mouse accounts services such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Instagram, and offers the latest you've written Rebel Mouse in your content page or enabled on this site.

Rebel Mouse fast and easy to implement. It only takes a few minutes, add your accounts and decide what you want to share on the website.

You can actively choose the stories you want on your side, and place where you want, or you can just leave Rebel Mouse do all the work. You can also use the original content Rebel Mouse page, the text that is displayed, pictures and videos to add. With options for specific topics and current visual tabs, you can customize your page according to your needs and interests.

The result is put together a social control panel of his latest online activities carefully. While organizing your online presence in a website is useful to be in itself, but also very useful for job seekers.

Here are some tips on how to improve Rebel Mouse you can make your job search:

Using Rebel Mouse to demonstrate your knowledge

If you use your Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and other accounts to post information about your area of expertise, you can compile all these posts Rebel Mouse. For example, if you are looking for a job in Marketing, and often, and information about the campaigns and marketing strategies are tweeting on Twitter or Facebook, all that content on your page put Rebel Mouse. The result is a page that shows, the knowledge about your industry. An employer who sees your page can easily see your experience.

If you have a job that can be shared online - if you articles, comments, guest posts, photos, creating web pages, etc. to write - you can also post links to them on your side Rebel Mouse. So that the spectators can easily see their work.

You can add multiple sub-pages on your site and publish Rebel Mouse different content on each page. For example, you can have a page just for your tweets, or different pages for different topics. You can even create a page that links to his professional work, and another page that displays information about your industry comprises.

If someone in your industry who really want to work (or someone who for a company who want to work, work), sometimes you can share or retweet information that he or she is to the positioning of your industry. Then you can send a message (on LinkedIn, if you are connected, or even a tweet) to thank you for your great content online. This message may help to establish a connection with a valuable contact.

Using Rebel Mouse to your blog

If you have a blog or online portfolio, your home page of your website Rebel Mouse (Rebel Mouse makes it simple to integrate your site elsewhere). To ensure that your page is dynamic website up-to-date shows with new releases and industrial jobs. Instead of hoping that the people who visit your site, click on Twitter, Facebook and other accounts, visitors can immediately see your online business in one place.

To Rebel Mouse are on your blog or website, but you do not want your homepage, you can also get a sidebar on an existing page that will show a lower number of messages at a time (you can choose the length of the sidebar, the number of messages displayed to be determined).

For $ 9.99, you can decide with Rebel Mouse, so that you to create a vanity URL and tools your own website for the "power of place".

Share your Website Rebel Mouse

Rebel Mouse gives you your own URL (like you have not made, the URL can be: / firstname_lastname), which you can then include in your email signature and post can help other networking sites. Thus, when an e-mail sent to an application, employers can can give a simple website to see to see your brand online.

Learn more about Rebel Mouse: Mouse Rebel Blog | Rebel Mouse for individuals

Follow Alison on Rebel Mouse: / AlisonDoyle

How to Apply for a summer job

If you are looking for a summer job, it's a good idea to start your job search early. The sooner you start applying for summer jobs, the more options you have, the more you will find a job that is a good match for what you want to do this summer.

Here's how to find and apply for summer jobs with the information needed to apply, job search tips and advice on where to look for a job was terrible.

Read more tips on how to get a summer job.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Replies sales pitch questions about ...

Examples of responses to the interview question "How would your former supervisor or supervisor?"

Examples of responses

  • She described me as a person who does not leave tips. You have me often complemented on my attention to detail.
  • My former supervisor said to work in a team, while being motivated by myself. In this particular business, it is important that to be able to inform all team members have worked together on many sales. It was an interesting, and I thought it was fun and challenging.
  • He described me as an autostart. We were responsible for our revenue from the first contact to the end and alone and to work independently most of the time. He was sales people who are struggling with the lack of structure have experienced, but I find it rewarding, this type of autonomy.

More Interview Questions About Bosses
More interview questions about bosses and tips on how to answer what one would expect from a manager questions about working with your supervisor, their best and worst bosses, and.

Sales Job Interview Tips

Before going to the interview, consider these tips for job interviews in the sale, so it can convincingly sell your most important product - you - an employer who is well versed in marketing strategies.

Read more: Job Interview Questions and Answers Sales | ask questions to the interviewer for sales job

Articles Interview Tips

Keyword list CV

When you apply for work, keywords are an important part of the application. Including keywords that highlight your skills and experience will allow your resume, cover letter and job applications that can be found by potential employers.

Here is a list of keywords to use in the job search words.

Ads Z - A: Keywords

Using Keywords

Read more: Letter Tags | Keywords CV Example | How to Use Keywords CV | CV List of skills

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Suggestions of experts to be hired for an hour ...

See, pays one hours job should not be difficult, you just need a few tips to help you stand out from the crowd will know. With so much competition, you should do everything possible to stand out from the employer to show that you. An asset to your team

Snagajob, the leading job site for job seekers and employers hour not spent much time talking with entrepreneurs and hear Snagajob members hired, what works and what. They took some expert advice to hire you.

Here are five tips for a job, hourly paid Costa Kim, hired Snagajob Job Search Coach.

Top 5 Tips for finding a job schedule

1 term. Firstly, make sure you before you are fully prepared for a first job. In addition, ensure that your resume up to date, you should Google. It is important to know what information the public and see if the marketing of the most desired fashion themselves as looking often the first place, employers. Employers are honest about the fact that they can check your social media channels to ensure that everything is appropriate. Remember, if you do not want your parents to see, do not do it to see you there for a potential employer.

Two. Be proactive. Door to door with a resume is not the only way to find part-time or hours of work. First, you have to use their personal and professional networks, say, you know all that you are looking for a job. Who knows, maybe you have something that is available before it is published to know. Secondly, do not be afraid to go online in search of employment. New Apps Job Search today make job hunting much easier and more efficient online and ask you to put it online and not too many employers accept applications in person.

Three. Are organized. Applying multiple jobs at once, it can be easy to keep track of the companies that lose to the positions that you have requested, and the status of the task has created. You need to stay organized, so that when a call from a prospective employer, knowledge of which position exactly what you will be asked to receive. Try to keep your job search on the laptop shows: the company, job title, contact information and status monitoring. In this way you will know exactly where you are in any application, and if the employer does not call without fumbling around trying to remember over his head can see exactly what they are.

April. Be open-minded. Is important to keep an open mind when you. Looking for a job Maybe not to land your dream job, the first time, but you can gain valuable knowledge and work experience for each job. However, this does not mean that you simply apply to everything and nothing, employer to see that is selective in your job search and your experience meets the job requirements. Remember, sometimes a foot in the door can lead to another opening that later with what you want to do for a career oriented.

May Be persistent. Importance of monitoring applications can not be stressed enough. Hiring managers emphasize that monitoring is a great way to stand out in the sea of applications and attention. This is done usually by phone, email or in person. Employers have told us that the route in person (if done properly) can prove actually that you are passionate about., Who work there are You should follow after an interview, in order for taking the time to give thanks talk to you. The interviewer wants to perform as much work and as loyal employees to see.

Snagajob: | Snagajob Mobile applications (Android and iPhone) | Twitter | Facebook

Related article: The 15 highest-paid jobs hours | The 10 jobs without a college degree

How do you decide if a job is a good fit

If you are looking for a job, it is important to consider more than the work itself. The work is of course important, but it's a good idea to take into account more than the wages and working tasks. No matter how good you are, it's not so happy to help.

Your goal should be to have a job that goes well with who you are as person and your lifestyle to fit to get. When the work is as close to a perfect game as it can be meshed with the personal and professional goals.

How do you decide if a job is a good fit

How can you tell if the work is good enough to ask the game, and more importantly, how do you know if you need to accept a job offer? Although there is never a guarantee foolproof, after a reflective process can increase your chances to increase a good decision.

Make a list of what you want in a job

An important first step is to make a list of what you make're looking for a job. Each profile for a desired job will be different, but here are some factors to consider when compiling the list:

Job Content - Your satisfaction is largely determined by how stimulating daily tasks are definitely for you. Even better pay and more prestige jobs deteriorate quickly if you do not like the work. Ask yourself if the job responsibilities provide the skills to use, so that you may be successful excited about the work and more in this position. Make a list of your most important skills and circle the most get the application to the previous work, volunteering, activities and scientific projects. As you read the job description and to discuss the position through the interview process to assess the extent to which the work with the list of skills you want to favor.

Content - Even what seems to be the best job, too short, if you are not satisfied with their level of remuneration. Note the amount of income and benefits you need, want and deserve. the average salary of a domain search and location, if the going rate is known. The discovery that after work time compared to their colleagues may be underpaid demoralizing.

The Boss - Think evaluate your perfect manager and carefully the person you want to work in a target position. Factors such as whether to have a boss or who prefer to work very independently hands. Ask your potential colleagues to describe the leadership style of their supervisors as possible and by verbal and nonverbal signals such as personality mix of individuals with you. Here's how to find the right boss.

Opportunity for advancement - If you are interested to go in your area, then you will need to determine when and how it could be promoted to your target employer and these positions. Examine increases the average wages actions.

Location - For many people, where the work can be of great importance. The closeness of art, culture, recreation, mountains, sea, family, friends and good schools can all be factors. The duration and nature of a shuttle, the way a work is to influence acceptable.

Mission Organization - Make sure that you embrace the goals of the company, or at least not alienated from the products and services or transactions. For example, a person whose main values in promoting public interest is probably not happy, produced for a company that provides products snuff, regardless of how the job is to work to pay their own way.

Corporate culture - for many workers is an important part of what they think their work is how the culture is mixed values and lifestyle with the employer. How formal or informal is the dress code? What is the value innovation of the organization? Take the decisions from the downward direction or resulting demographic processes? Is it promotes work / life balance and employees need to work 60 hours a week? The organization is concerned about environmental issues? Do they encourage employees to perform community service?

Job security - factors such as whether an employer is in a growth industry in decline or if the market share increases or decreases, and the quality of the management team of the opportunities that influence to dismiss the near future.

Prestige - If you are worried about how others see you, are the state of an employer and a job can affect your decision. For example, how would you feel working as a manager against Macy Walmart?

Analyze the job and employer

Once you have selected the criteria, you have two options for determining how a job fits your specifications according to your style of decision making. If you are an intuitive type, you can check what you know about the position and think about how it corresponds to feel your needs.

If you are oriented more analytical or quantitative, you can assign a weight to each factor in the search criteria on a scale of 10 on the basis of the importance of this element is for you. After evaluating a scale of 10 to provide the amount of the individual factors on the work at hand.

For example, if the content of a work of significance for you and 10 for a particular purpose, provides a level of 8 in the content of the work, then a total of 80 points is allocated by this factor. Then you can add the score of each of the other factors and get a total score. If you think the result is pretty close to the maximum possible score, and the work feels good to you, then it is probably a good fit.

In both cases, too much power switch or factors that would make an improper position will identify. For example, the path may be too much, the salary is too low, the boss is not someone who you want to work or hours of their family responsibilities do not fit.

Do not be afraid to say no, not (please)

Once, I refused a job after repeated offers of more money, because money is not enough to overcome what I did. Negative in the evaluation of the work I do not want to work, where the work or the work environment that was created by the company was. My gut tells me no, it was worth listening to. I have an offer of a better job soon after denied that was not a good choice to get.

When you say a question yes or no, if the positives outweigh the negatives, think twice before. Certainly think twice before accepting a job offer. It is much more difficult to leave a job that does not work as waste.

When to say no

You do not have to wait until you offered to turn down a job. If you have covered after use, it is acceptable to withdraw from consideration for the job. You can do the recruitment process at any time. In fact, even if there was a better candidate, previously removed the employer glad I invested more time and energy to use. Hiring managers are looking for the best candidate fit.

Related articles: How to get out of consideration for a job right | How to evaluate a job | The refusal of a job offer

One page CV

If your resume is more than one page, or if you try to condense in the form on a page? Not a yes or a no. The length of your resume depends on the type of candidate you are and your experience.

According to a survey of CV Saddleback College, most employers want a summary of a page when the job requires experience. Here are the details of what companies prefer:

  • One page CV - 47.7%
  • Two sides resume - 11.4%
  • It depends on the level of the position - 34.1%
  • All - 6.8%

Even if you have experience, it is important to optimize your CV and for which you are applying on the experience and training for the work itself. If you are an experienced candidate, it is not necessary to include more than 10 to 15 years of experience on your resume.

No need education or training courses, if they can improve their application.

Needless to "references on request" to say in your resume. It is understandable that you also hints if required in the application process.

The other thing you can do is shake their job descriptions. Use a bulleted list and keep your concise job descriptions. Focus on your accomplishments, not your everyday tasks.

Here's how to make a resume, a good way to ensure that employers will be looking to write. Also consider these tips to ensure your resume resume will help you to get an interview.

Related Articles: How to Write a CV One Page

Read more: Tips Resume Writing | Letter | Sport | | Curriculum Length How to write a cover letter Video Games

Copyright Amanda Rohde image

Monday, July 21, 2014

Where your CV

While it is important to know where job seekers online in search of a job, it is also interesting about the jury to see what employers are suggested because these sites are usually used by companies search candidates.

Recommend A survey of Saddleback College reports that employers jobseekers post their resume:

The best places to create a resume

  • College / University Career Center - 69.3%
  • Monster - 59.1%
  • LinkedIn - 58%
  • CareerBuilder - 55.7%
  • Craigslist - 31.8%
  • In fact - 18.2%
  • Facebook - 17%
  • Twitter 9.1%

Based on these survey results, here are some tips on how and where to put your resume online.

Gain (some) of exposure. This is a good idea to write your resume at least some of the sites listed. The more space you will be posted your resume, the more likely that your chances increase noticed by an employer. That is, if you are currently employed, be careful. Here's how to keep your job search secret if not to jeopardize your current position.

A commitment of the social recruiters. Many companies have increased their efforts to use social recruiting candidates on social networking sites. As a professional networking site, is the place, LinkedIn, post your resume and gain exposure to potential employers. , Facebook and Twitter Are but to also connect places for job seekers and recruiters. Note that when you publish your resume on one of these social media sites should be your social networking profiles professionally and consistently. Here's more about Job Search with Social Media.

Do not pay for services. Most job boards like Monster, CareerBuilder, not you charged your resume on their websites. Generally, you should not have to pay for an online exhibition on legitimate sites. Save your money and stick to these free sites work, but popular. However, if you have to pay to make your resume decide to write, or when a service is provided, submit your resume for you, here are some tips on how to do it. In the best way

Use your Alma Mater employment centers. Colegio are not just for students and graduates. Many offices provide professional services for the elderly, regardless of when they graduated guidance, so do not think that you were too long to your career or alumni office at school.

Former employers often hire through their first career or job offices in the pages of the schools Jobs LinkedIn Group, before beginning work elsewhere online. So if you are a college graduate, you get your resume on the website of the University / College published is definitely worth it.

Proceed with caution. Whilst it is generally useful to gain online presence for your job search, you also want to be careful where you post and who you are. Craigslist, for example, is a very popular place for many small jobs advertising. Since employers anonymous works, which do not always know who is doing post the setting. Make sure that you know how to avoid scams and find legitimate jobs on Craigslist

Read more: Top Job Boards | CV online offer

Related Articles: How to Find a Job start | resume and cover letter samples

How much does a car mechanic?

Mechanical interaction with customers, to learn about the problems that they have with their cars. Examine the various mechanical systems in motor vehicles to diagnose problems. They run computer diagnostics to identify the elements that may be defective.

Mechanics remove the parts or malfunctions used and replace it with new or refurbished parts. Perform regular maintenance such as oil, established filter and belt replacement after plans by some car manufacturers. Automotive Mechanic explain repairs to customers and provide estimates in advance for unscheduled repairs.

Mechanical work in a variety of configurations of automotive service, including auto dealers, tire stores, oil change operations, service stations and repair shops full service. Some mechanics operate their own business and take management functions, such as pricing, advertising and personnel supervision.

Auto mechanic salary

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, technicians and auto mechanics earned an average of $ 36,610 in 2012. 10% of the automotive mechanics earned less than $ 20,810, while 10% were obtained at least $ 60.070.

In short, a car mechanic (Occupational Outlook Handbook) | Automotive Skills

Job Search: Find a Job

Related article: The list of job content | Salary Tools | Salary Calculator | More Top 20 high paying jobs

Jewelry design career

Tammy Powley is Guide 's. For the production of jewelry, a jewelry designer, and a teacher

Have you ever wanted to make a career out of his passion for making jewelry? The world of jewelry design has almost as many career opportunities as well as various techniques of jewelery making. While most jewelry designers are primarily due to the sale of their creations, you may be surprised to discover that there are more people, the jewelery and sale of the finished product.

There are a variety of career options out there, ranging from the traditional premium accessories jewelry purchasing bank. Here are some careers in the jewelry you may want to consider whether you have thought about joining the world of work as a professional jeweler.

If you have ever dropped a piece of jewelry for repair at your local jewelry store, chances are that your repair is by what than done as a jeweler. Bank jewelers are the backbone of any fine jewelry shop. The level of training required may vary, but in general, they must have some kind of technical training and certification. Jeweler is working mainly in repairs (store bread and butter work), but are also highly skilled craftsmen can create and requested any type of jewelry design. The salary schedule and usually range can vary greatly depending on location and experience.

In some cases, the Bank jewelers volume can especially in places that focus primarily pay for repairs. Since repairs are a big part of traditional jewelry stores, it is not uncommon, shopkeepers, independent jewelers high sometimes bank. The only downside for jewelers bench is the creative side of the work should not be missed for someone with a more artistic turn, but the bank jewelers are often qualified in demand.

Jewelry Sales Representative
Leading manufacturers and independent designers are often the highest sales representatives to find jewelry markets for their products. While some agents specialize in jewelry, most also have accessories such as belts, hats and shoes. Your task is to find and secure retail accounts. These can be department stores and private shops themselves.

This position requires knowledge of fashion trends and products are sold, and of course a good business. For example, if an agent sells gemstone jewelry, and they have to have a good knowledge of the stones. It also requires a lot of traveling covered more territory mean more sales for both parties. The representative will make from sales, usually around 15 percent, and work on a contractual basis as a percentage. For more information on how to more sales people to sell their jewelry creations, see Article hunting a sales rep

Jewelry Buyers
Most department stores and chain stores have staff that jewelry sold in the sale in its stores specializing. This is a permanent position that requires not only jewelry and fashion knowledge, but a sense of the future, since products must be purchased months in advance to be available at certain times of the year are available.

That is, they are responsible for selling to some extent, because if the items are not sold, which means that the development is not likely to project quite well. Some travel may be necessary, because they will have of which to do with jewelry collections from different manufacturers, many foreign trusts. Most employers prefer applicants with a four-year degree in a related, such as marketing, business or fashion marketing thing.

Designer Jewelry Company
This position is one of the most sought after. Who would not want to pay someone to design jewelry and have nothing to do with the sale of the finished pieces? This is intended, no doubt, but also challenging.

A professional jewelry designer has to work (and hands on) have to make knowledge of the techniques and materials of jewelry; Years of experience in the industry; and contacts and knowledge in working with foreign partners to produce their creations. Of course this means at least a small percentage of the time you need to get to these partners abroad. In general, if a company is willing to pay to design for them, they are looking for someone who is looking for well established in the industry. For more information on how you to a jewelry designer, you can be found in my article, I want to a jewelry designer.

Jewelry Industry jewelry More opportunities jobs.

Career Services College

If you are a student or graduate (in many cases, regardless of when you) of your college or university career are service, job search and career planning or career change can help.

Office of Career Resources
Most agencies offer career guidance given race (including higher education and the choice of the Main Committees and job search coaching), in speed dating sessions with a counselor, seminars, workshops, a resource center divided career and a computer lab on campus and off campus recruiting and networking, employment programs and internships deals, resume, cover letter and personal statement comments.

Advice for graduate distance
Can be available for graduates who are close enough to personally visit spacing for the post of career counselor, not by phone, email, Skype and / or instant message.

Career Networking Program
Career networking programs are usually outside of school and in school. Veterans and their Career Service will provide information on programs and events where you can network with alumni who are more than willing to have support in building your career and job search to come. Also check to see if a student Racing Network online, you can access help.

List of Career Services Colleges

  • Personal Career Consultant
  • Professional and Enterprise Search Resources
  • Partnership
  • Recruitment programs on and off campus
  • Employment, internships and summer jobs offers
  • Job Fairs
  • Brand
  • Access to recruitment programs
  • Resume and cover letter writing assistance
  • Graduate Advisor
  • Race / social networks - network resources for the elderly, and LinkedIn groups, Facebook and Google+ pages
  • Network of vocational guidance, support and programs
  • Workshops and Seminars

Jewelery career

Independent jewelry designer
This is probably the most common jewelry work, you will find a lot of fans since then resort to selling their own work, initially to cover the costs and hopes on his hobby into a business on time turn around completely. Although the most common, it is also the most of making jewelry is very popular competitive. However, it happens. Some jewelry designers will find a way to turn his passion into a successful career, as evidenced by designers such as Tina Tang and Maya Brenner. This is probably the most difficult to drive in the world of professional jewelry manufacturing line; However, it is probably one of the most rewarding.

Gemology / Diamond Grader
To help manufacturers of fine jewelry gems, the quality of the materials they buy and then exceed his designs graders. This position requires specific training and education in gemology whether to specialize in diamonds. The Gemological Institute of America provides training and certification in gemology.

This is one of the priorities in the world of education Jewelry pesos, so to work a good source for training and placement in this area. If you manage to find a job in this field, usually a paid position in a fairly large company that specializes in the manufacture of fine jewelry.

Sales Professional / Manager
Someone needs to manufacture these jewelry, small mom-and-pop shops to department stores to sell, and that's where to find professional sales and management experience in jewelry is a good fit. Even if you are not required to have a working knowledge of how the jewelry have made, you will need to know a lot about the materials used, such as precious metals and gems.

These works are usually on the content with the addition of the Commission. You do not always need a certain kind of degree or not at all necessary, because the experience is an important factor in the sale. A professional jewelry sales success in a position to educate the customer about the product while shopping or persuade.

Own jewelry
If we own a jewelry store think most of us are thinking of some sort of fine jewelry store. However, you can have your own store of finished jewelry, including when you are not a good jeweler.

Like any retail business after moving into the brick and mortar store, you have to consider a lot of overhead: insurance, rent, advertising, accounting, just to name a few. The location is also crucial as you need to your business in the place where your customers are, so you should know that this throw a dart at a map. Details on every level, especially the traditional retail storefront, requires an enormous amount of time. If you are not there to open the store, the store is not open for customers to buy. Anyone who thinks that this must be the right way to be prepared.

Bead Shop Owner
May be the same, does not have enough information, but the same can be said for the owner of jewelry that is the owner of a bead of the memory. Expect to work long hours while you set up. Make sure that you are in an area., Where there is enough traffic to provide a solid customer base foot available

QA Consultant
Before finished jewelry, by some of the major manufacturers that need to be inspected by a quality control specialists are sold. So obviously, this work requires a thorough knowledge of jewelry manufacturing practice. Very often, this position will work primarily with jewelry such as gold, platinum and diamonds. Little or no travel is required, but most companies in this plane is in the big cities like New York City.

Publishing jewelry
If you have to write skills and love for jewelry, then you will be surprised to know that there are a number of ways to combine them into a career. You can set up routes. If you "like" route, you can make jewelry books and magazine articles to write for magazines large selection of jewelry-related activity there want to take.

Also remember that these editors of magazines and books are by publishers and designers as well, which could actually try a member of one of these companies personally. If you are more interested in the world of professional jewelry instead of fans, there are magazines like InStore, modern jewelry and accessories also to write a staff to compile and publish these magazines.

Thank you letter for a reference for a ...

Internships are valuable opportunities for professional knowledge in a field that you are interested to purchase, and chances are you might have multiple references throughout the application process. It is important that people who give references to thank not only show your appreciation, but to get the quality of employment.

Here is a sample reference letter appreciation for the writer to know that you appreciate their help reference as a reference for an internship for you.

If you have a thank-you letter, send an e-mail simply "Thank you" and your name in the subject line:

Subject: Thank you - your name

Internship Reference Example thank you letter

Dear Dr. Keum

Thanks for pointing practice assistant in the Department of Biology at the City College. Thank you for your confidence in me and willingness to work with colleagues in my favor you communicate. I'm excited about my experience to expand through this internship, and I am deeply grateful for their efforts.

I look forward to working with you on my main work, and I think the experience of town U gives me an interesting perspective to approach my own research.

Thank you again. Enjoy your summer.



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Substance abuse and jobs

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination in the workplace against employees and applicants with disabilities in company employs 15 or more employees. Similarly, Article 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, it is illegal for contractors and subcontractors with federal discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities.

The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the ADA affect both drug and alcohol policies.http :/ / / od / drug testing / The following section describes aspects of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the ADA, the concern with employees with drug and alcohol problems:

  • The employer may prohibit the illegal use of drugs and alcohol in the workplace consumption.
  • Test for illegal drug use does not violate the ADA (but need to meet state requirements).
  • Employers can refuse to perform work or are currently engaged in the illegal drugs.
  • Employers can not against drug addicts who have a history of addiction, or are currently using drugs and were indistinguishable restored (or are currently in a rehabilitation program).
  • Reasonable efforts to place as time permits outside of medical care, self-help programs, etc., should addicts who were rehabilitated or expanded rehabilitated.
  • An alcoholic can be determined by the ADA is a "person with disabilities".
  • Employers can pay, discipline, or deny employment to an alcoholic, preventing its mind that the work performance or behavior in the same manner that would result in a similar disciplinary measures other employees.
  • Employees who abuse drugs and alcohol should meet the same standards of performance and behavior than other workers.
  • The ADA does not protect casual drug users. However, those who can with a history of addiction or misdiagnosed as drug addicts, are covered by the law.

Related Articles: Employment Tests

Online Dictionary and related information to and from this site are the opinions and information. Although I have made every effort to link accurate and complete information is made, I can not guarantee it is correct. Please try legal assistance or support from state and federal or international government resources sure to meet your legal interpretation and decisions correctly. This information does not constitute legal advice and is for informational purposes only.

How to find a job in the university

How apply for summer jobs

Copyright Getty Images Tom Grill
If you are looking for a summer job, it's a good idea to start your job search early. The earlier you apply to compete for summer jobs, the more options you have, the more you will find a summer job is a good match for what you want to do this summer.

Note that students have an advantage over students because many schools start earlier than high schools.

Employment programs for youth summer

Thinkstock / Getty Images
To provide summer youth employment program on summer work experience for youth, teens alignment with entry-level jobs in local organizations. Here's more about summer employment programs for young people, including eligibility, how to apply and how to find a program near you.

Laws governing the use of adolescence

There are laws to restrict, where students under 18 can work, and what types of jobs that they can work. The hired for nonagricultural employment students (almost everything other than farm work is) must be at least fourteen.

What if the boss catches you get a job

Oops! Your boss has just discovered that you are interviewing for a new job. What now? It depends, Upper First, it's time to limit the damage and must act quickly.

Maybe you are not actively looking for a job, but was asked to investigate. If this is the case, tell your boss that you love your job, you want to stay, and were only interested to hear what the company had to say. It is quite clear that he will leave no intention in the near future, in fact, if this is the case.

If you are considering changing jobs were

You are considering a job change? Janet Scarborough Civitelli proposes explain to your boss that your standard procedures for career management continuously evaluating their professional short-and long-term goals.

If you. Taking part in an interview as an opportunity to learn more about their capabilities and competitiveness in the labor market, rather than a rejection of your current job, your boss can (hopefully) less personal

If you hate your job

Do you hate your job and can not wait to find a new one? So maybe caught is not a bad thing. It might be a good opportunity to discuss any questions and maybe they solve.

At least it will clear the air and get the issues on the table. In the worst case, you can organize for an amicable departure, and perhaps in the job search to gain the support and help from your employer.

Tell the truth

Whatever the circumstances - to tell the truth. Especially in a case like this, where there just is not much I can say. Situated always seem to find a way back to haunt you! Be prepared for a period of time in your home while you and return to your normal routine head.

Do not be surprised if your boss is angry for a long time and consider whether and when to withdraw and replace when you should consider. Remember - these are frequent episodes in search of work you want to do for the rest of his career.

How to not get caught
If you do not want your current employer know that you are seeking employment, there are steps you can take to keep your job search confidential.

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The 10 words that do not belong in your LinkedIn ...

Build your own professional brand is an important step in the job search process step and LinkedIn, you can develop your professional online brand. However, in order to use LinkedIn properly, you must not only know what include in your LinkedIn profile, but what to omit.

Let your profile

There are certain things that are left from your profile, including some of the terms that almost everyone uses on his LinkedIn profile. His goal in creating entry stand out from the crowd and make an impression on all who read your profile. As in the career expert Nicole Williams LinkedIn, said: "If you tell the life of all, you do not stand out from the others not to compete for the opportunity professionals."

What not to include? Here is the 2013 list of the 10 LinkedIn buzzwords that are overused by professionals in the United States:

  1. Responsible
  2. Strategically
  3. Creative
  4. Effective
  5. Patient
  6. Expert
  7. Organizational
  8. Driven
  9. Cutting edge
  10. Analytically

The big losers of the past years are: 2010: A great experience, and 2011 and 2012: Creation.

Highlight your profile

Instead of using the same language, the others think what stands out as a candidate for the position, and this information in your profile. In the "Background" in your profile, concrete examples of what they have done for any business. Sectional Include similar information in the summary of your profile. These examples show that a candidate makes it work all unique.

See also expanded its profile by uploading photos, videos, presentations and links to other sites (such as professional web site, the web account Google + or Twitter) shows some of his best work. Examples show someone how you are creative or analytical is much more effective than simply they say.

And do not forget to ask (and give) LinkedIn recommendations to strengthen the credibility of their claims.

Learn what you are - and what you leave out - your LinkedIn profile, you can prove that you have done a good candidate, and attract potential employers.

Read more: LinkedIn Profile Tips | How to use LinkedIn

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